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I'm wondering what the status is on adding a wiki to my Ning site. I searched the forums and see many posts from 2010-2011 when people were adamantly calling for either native or 3rd party integration. This seems as critical now as it was 10 years ago, and I would be sad if such a simple addition still hasn't happened after 10 years of so many users requesting this. Can anyone help me?

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  • Hello David,

    Thank you for your interest in improving our platform.

    Unfortunately, we don't have in the nearest future plans to add that feature.

    But, I can help you to embed some 3rd party service.

    For example, it can be a Google Sheet or Google Doc that everyone can edit.



    Ning Team

    • Hi Alex,

      Thanks for your reply. I considered the option you presented - a google sheet or google doc embedded into the NING site -and that's not going to work for us unfortunately. I can tell from the previous requests from other NING Creators that that option did not work for them either. Let me explain why I want a Wiki.

      1. We do not want to require our users to have to log into a second platform on top of logging into NING. This defeats the purpose of the NING site. People will instead go around the NING site to the Wiki.
      2. We cannot use a google doc or google sheet because
        1. It's a large amount of information that we'll be organizing in the Wiki. Google docs/sheets don't allow for the heirarchail organization, tagging / tag clouds etc. that are built into wikis.
        2. We need to know who is making the suggestions to the content, and then be able to simply approve and deny their edits. Google's "see version history" is too cumbersome for that purpose. 

      Can you please further explain why adding either a native Wiki function or a plugin to make a third party Wiki seamlessly intergrate into NING is not a priority or even something being considered in the near future? 

      Thanks, David

      • NC for Hire

        Here's an idea which piggybacks on Alex's suggestion.   You could build a spreadsheet driven app using Glideapps and then Use Zapier to add your approved members to a whitelist column inside a sheet of your app.  That way they are not logging into 2 places, if they are members of your site then they will automatically be able to use the Wiki app.. im building something similar for my community..

        a second part would be to use Myquicksite to create a public facing layout of what is going on inside the app and iframe that into a page in your community

        Let me know if you need help with this or more explanation.. hope this helps

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        • Thanks JFarrow. I considered created a spreadsheet driven app and purchasing MyQuickSite but unfortunately that won't work for me. There's really no replacement for a wiki. Everything else is an attempt to get there but just doesn't cut it. The only other option that gets close is to use NING's built in blog function but this too is cumbersome becuase others on the site don't have access to editing the post (only the original author). There's a reason why wikis exist the way they do. Now we just have to encourage NING to catch up with 2020. 

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