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NC for Hire
How to build an Iframe Switcher for Your Community

If you have been running your community for some time you probably have a lot of resources to share.  You may be looking for a compact way to showcase many tools in the same place, such as a getting started page or a resources page.  I am going to quickly show you how to build a simple way to switch between several iframes without leaving the page.  You can see it live inside a text box on this group inside a Ning 2.0 (but it will certainly work inside 3.0)...and alternatively I have it hosted standalone in my github here (so i can iframe in my iframe switcher). Let's begin.

HTML (You can shorten the URLs if you like)

<select class="switcher">
<option value="">Something</option>
<option value="">Else</option>
<option value="">Workflows</option>
<option value="">Another Resource</option>
<option value="">Another</option>
<option value="">Yep, another</option>
<option value="">And this one</option>
<option value="">yes and again</option>
<option value="">next to last resource</option>
<option value="">JFarrow helps with Ning sites</option>

<iframe class="switch-target" width="100%" height="600" src=""></iframe>



CSS  (style the select box however you like)

<style>    select { display: block; }         </style>


JS (must add small x in front of all jquery $ signs inside Ning)


var switcher$ = x$('.switcher'), // select element
switchTarget$ = x$('.switch-target'); // iframe

switcher$.on('change', switchIframeSrc); // event binding

// our functiono to switch the iframe src
function switchIframeSrc() {
// set the 'src' attribute of the iframe
// to the value of the selected option
switchTarget$.attr('src', switcher$.val());

// call the method on load




Here is all the HTML, CSS and JS inside my codepen for you to fork and try with your own links and resources...  your links inside the iframe MUST be https:// to work.

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  • NC for Hire
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Edie2k2
  • This is phenomenal! Thank you. I will share the link when I try it.
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