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NC for Hire

Wow! OMGosh, I'm in LOVE! Do not miss out on this awesome Ning App. Have you been chomping at the bit to combine your Latest Activity RSS feeds? Here you go - - the Feedly Ning App.

This is a great tool to utilize, to combine your RSS feeds in one place. And not only does Feedly combine your feeds, per your selection, the Feedly Magazine format, rocks.

I will admit, I had to carefully follow all of Ernie's instructions, here:
Learn How To Add Feedly Magazine Using Your RSS Content
but, was it worth it! Feedly is some powerful application, to say the least. I can certainly see why they won the recent Appathon! Hop over and read Ernie's instructions, come back here and find more tips!

Basically, you install the Feedly add-on to your browser, and start adding your selected content (RSS feeds) to your Feedly Magazine. Aside from Ernie's instructions, this is my best advice: Be sure to create a Category, and give it a name, like your Ning Network Name. Then, add your Ning RSS feeds to your new Category.

At first glance, the interface is a little intimidating. Navigate around and experiment. It won't take you long to catch on. I had created a magazine filled with great content, in less than 10 minutes. The key to keeping your Feedly in one place for your Ning Network, is the Category. DO NOT use a Category Title with 2 words and a space, like Ning Directory. This will mess up the URL when you're ready to add to your Ning. Instead use something like: NingDirectory (no spaces).

The finished results seem to be random, which keeps it fresh. I'm still getting comfortable with the app.

Follow Ernie's instructions from the link above. Then, after you've installed Feedly to your Browser, create that category, and start adding those URLs (using "add source"). When you've added all the RSS feeds you want, get ready to grab the embedded code. You can install on your Ning Network via the special Ning App instructions (different than most Ning app installs), or you can install via a new page (see below).

Additionally, here's a great video tutorial offered by the Feedly Team.

How To Add Your Feedly Via a New Page, instead of Ning Apps:
If you want to add your Feedly Magazine to your Ning Network via a new page - - when you get to the point that you grab the embedded code, grab the HTML Widget link, instead of the Ning Widget link. Add the HTML Widget link via an iframe, within a new page.
Tip: To create a new page on your Ning Network, go to this link:

Here's the iframe code you'll need for your new page.

<div align="center" id="feedly_mag"><iframe src=""
width="100%" height="1000" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></div>

Just replace the URL with your feedly URL. Again, do not use the Ning Widget URL link, to add feedly via a new page. Use the HTML Widget link.

Good luck creating your new Feedly Magazine, for your Ning Network! What a fantastic viral marketing opportunity!
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  • does this work yet?

  • Ning helped me now ... it's a curious issue in my mind. They wrote me this app will disappear on member profiles if the app link received enough clicks. It 's removed totally now from my network .... and now I have to check out member profiles with a hint of this app.
  • Good that you have added a new headline to your blog post here. Since some weeks I try to remove this app again from my network. But NING too seems to have no no idea yet, how to do that.
  • NC for Hire
    No Scott I haven't, and quite frankly I think it's a huge disappointment for a lot of people. Feedly needs to jump on this, and should have already.

    If I hear anything, I'll sure post it here.
    Best Regards,
  • It's been gone for some time for some reason.
  • But it mentions it will be available this summer and we're in the middle of it now. What I didn't realize is that this is an older topic.
    Have you seen any updates for this app?
  • NC for Hire
    Hi Scott,
    I removed the menu tab link because it doesn't work. The feedly is not loading at all.

    And on the Searching my site or any ning site, that topic makes me practically homicidal, LOL. It rarely works, and never works well.

    I just double-checked, and feedly is still not working on a Ning site. Sorry for that news. If you notice the top of this discussion, you'll see my update on the fact that it stopped working. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Jen,

    Can you please leave a link to the Magazine that you created on your site? I would just like to see an example of how someone else is using it.
    I looked all over your site and could not find it. I even used your search box using tag-words "magazine, magazine application, feedly and nothing showed.

  • NC for Hire
    I can't find the discussion for anything, looked and looked. The other day one of our fellow NCs reported that feedly has stopped providing workable embedded code until this Summer. I meant to update this discussion, and did not. They lost me on this one.

    Also, I believe Laura and Eric both were investigating the situation.
This reply was deleted.

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