I don't know about you, but it does annoy me when members join my network and don't bother to upload a profile picture.
I've come up with a cunning plan to get members to upload profile pictures..
I simply changed the default profile picture (which you can find in: MEMBERS - CONTROLS)
From this:
As you can see my default profile pic was a silhouette of a person holding a dog (as my network is a dog lovers network)
To This
Who wants this as their profile picture?!
I then sent a message broadcast to all members saying something like..
In an effort to encourage members to add a profile picture, I have now changed the default profile picture..
From this
To this!
It would be so much better if we could all see your lovely faces, so unless you want the whole world to think that YOU SMELL, head over to www.k9united.com and upload a profile picture now! (a picture of you and your dog is ideal)
(This can be done in settings)
Mwaaah haaaa haaaaaa, I am an evil genius!
Have a lovely day
Obviously this may not work for all networks but it's certainly working for mine!
Very Good Man
good idea, how do you do for 'relationship status' appear under profile ?