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NC for Hire

Add Google Font to Ning 3.0 Site

Add Google Font to Ning 3.0 Site

The best way to add a Google Font to a Ning 3.0 site, is to use the code provided by Google fonts. If we could upload files to a root directory, there would be a better way for load times. However, I'm finding that using this method on Ning 3.0 is quite successful.

What not to do:

  • Don't apply a Google font to the entire site. Only apply to sections like your Menu Navigation or Header Titles. If your font(s) are not too large, you can apply to both.
  • Don't add more than 2 fonts to your Google Font code, in order to keep the font file reasonably small. The Google Font site will show you the load time for your font file. 




  1. Go to
  2. Find a font you like, click on: "Add to Collection".
  3. In bottom right next to your Collection font(s), click on "Use".
  4. Read over this page, good to know what you're doing. Once you feel comfortable to move forward,
  5. Locate #3. Add this code to your website:
  6. Select the first Tab "Standard".
  7. Copy your font code, and get ready to paste it into your Ning 3.0 site.
  8. From your Ning site, access the Ning 3.0 Toolbar, and click on first icon: Social Site Manager
  9. Click on link "Custom Code"
  10. Inside the top Box labeled: "<Head> Code", paste your Google Font code into this box.
  11. Example font code: "<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>"
  12. Save.
  13. Now, let's use our new font.
  14. Go to Toolbar, and click on Design Studio icon (2nd icon in toolbar).
  15. Click on Custom CSS.
  16. To add your new Google Font to your H3 (Headers), use the following CSS as your example. Tips: (a) You will probably need to set the font size. (b) Be sure you use backup fonts, called a font stack. In the example I am using Arial and sans-serif, in case the Google Font doesn't load. (c) I find that a font weight is the cleanest look:
  17. h3 {
       font-family: 'Kite One', Arial, sans-serif;  /* The first font should be copied from Google Fonts under usage, see 4. Integrate the fonts into your CSS */
       font-size:22px!important; }
  18. To add your new Google Font to your Menu Navigation, use the following CSS as your example. Same as above, use a font stack and check the font size.
  19. .navbar ul li  a {
        font-family: 'Kite One', Arial, sans-serif;
        letter-spacing: 0.02em; /* You can add spacing between letters, sometimes needed */
        font-size:18px; }
  20. SAVE your CSS.
  21. Test in all browsers, and across devices.
  22. Good luck and have fun!


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  • Awwwweeeesome! It works! Thanks a million for the tip, Jen!

    Yes, it looks fine on all devices; desktop, laptop, Mac, iPad, Android, etc.

  • I'd favorite this it if I could  The thing I did wrong initially was not putting an alternate (or backup) font like Arial or Serif for browsers that do support all Google fonts.  Clearly it pays off to actually read Google's instructions.  *lol*  Thank you so much for posting this Jen.  

    • NC for Hire

      Great! To confirm, you were able to utilize the tip?

  • Nice add can't wait to try it out...

  • How would I use this for just maybe blog titles and links?

    • NC for Hire

      C. Brickhouse,

      Ning 2.0 or 3.0? Blog titles on home page, or where? Leaving a link to page is the best way for me to tell you.

      For all links:

      a {

          font-family: yourfontname;




  • This reply was deleted.
    • NC for Hire

      Great, thanks for the feedback. I didn't receive notifications on everyone's comments until today.



  • Love this tip Jen. Thank you! Warmly, Susan

    • NC for Hire

      Hi Susan,

      Thanks and great!


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