I've have come back to Ning after being gone for about 5 years. Yes, I'm an old 2.0 user. I arcived all of my members and content when I left. I am seeing the only why to archive on 3.0 is the same why with the same archiver the creates the Json files yet we can't import them to 3.0? So Ning is not giving us any way to backup out sites?
You need to be a member of Ning Creators Social Network to add comments!
Seems so. Yes.
Unfortunately, we no longer support the archiver on 2.0 platform, and it is also not possible to upload your Json files into 3.0 network.
However, if your 2.0 website is still active or can be restored, soon it will be possible to migrate all its content and members to 3.0 platform.
Please let me know if you are interested in that option.
Best regards,
The NING Team
How soon?
ROFL.. Soon never means soon. Not like within the next 3 months probably next year Q3 if ur lucky.
I am sorry, I would love to be optimistic and provide you with approximate timeframes, but now that we are beta-testing it some issues come up from time to time, and there is no guarantee that it won't be postponed until the script is completely ready.
At this very moment, the migration does not apply to videos and events - all other types of content can be transferred with less than 1% of missing files. We have already successfully transferred some of the networks, whose networks owners didn't mind leaving events and videos behind. In the cases when the script failed to transfer 99% of the content our admins additionally check the network and work on the migration manually. If you are interested to participate in migration during the beta-test you can contact us via support@ning.com and our agents will escalate your request to the manager in charge.
Best regards,
The NING Team
Thank you for responding to this... Looks promising.. ill think about it and send an email to the address.. Thanks!