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I've been on Ning 2 since 2009 and I'm developing my Ning 3 site. I want to move to Ning 3 ASAP, but I've stopped for the time being because my Ning 2 site is so much faster: 3 to 4 times faster.

There is no custom code in the new site and I've added no scrips. My old site has a good amount of code, plus code in the top ad box for a javascript overlay I had developed that makes it mobile responsive.

I Creators is roughly between the two speedwise.

These are the speed comparisons between my 2 and 3 sites:

  • Getting to the home page from the login page takes 10-12 seconds on the new site; and less than 2 seconds on the old one.
  • Going from Home to Forums: 4-5 seconds on new; less than 1 second on old.
  • Going from Forums to home; 4-5 seconds on new; less than 2 on old.

  • Going from Home to blogs: 4 seconds on new; less than 1 second on old.
  • Going from Blogs to home; 4-5 seconds on new; 1 on old.
  • Going from Home to Groups: 3 seconds on new; less than 1 second on old.
  • Going from Groups to home; 4-5 seconds on new; 1 on old.

Dmitry, the Ning head of migration, had been the best, and very attentive to my needs. He said the speed should be in line now and asked me to test it today, but it's only marginally better.

What are your experiences with Ning 3 speed?

If you moved from a Ning 2 site, how do they compare?

Any tips on how to speed things up?


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  • NC for Hire

    Interesting findings... i think i will compare mine as well...

  • Funny enough I am recently finding loading times on my site and this one (both Ning 3) to be much slower than a few weeks ago. It is quite noticeable.

    • Hello Anam! 

      I apologize for the inconveniences!

      We are currently looking into loading speed complaints. If you could run a traceroute on your PC and send us results that would help a lot! 

      Here is instruction on how to do that -

      Instead of "" put your site or

      Looking forward to your reply!

      How do I run a traceroute?
        Traceroute helps you analyze the path packets take on a network, along with any associated delays.  You can run a traceroute on the most popular op…
      • Hi Anastasia, I sent you a PM. I think your response perhaps indicates that some others are having the problem, which is a relief as I thought it might be my computer. Thanks and best wishes

        • Hello!

          We are reviewing each case separately, and so far it seems like we have found a common issue for several networks, but we are still working on the solution. 

          I apologize for inconveniences. 

          Best regards,

          The NING Team

          • Thanks Anastasia. No worries. Will be good when fixed.

            Note - Video activity (posting or commenting on) does not show up at all in Activity Feeds. Don't know if this is related to some fix for speed ye might be working on, but thought to report it.

  • So I've just moved my site from Ning 2 to Ning 3 and going through the usual issues with users having to cope with change.

    However, the most recurring comment has been in relation to speed. We're looking at about a 10 second load time for the home page.

    I've also been getting occasional time-out issues

    Mostly very happy with Ning 3 otherwise, so hopefully we can get this issue sorted out (and one other biggie) and move onward and upward.

    • Thanks, Phil. May I have a link to your site please? I was hoping to move to Ning 3 this summer—I LOVE what it offers!--but there were a number of issues that had to be resolved. Everything is addressed now except for speed. It's faster than it was but still a lot slower than 2.

      Hopefully they'll get that up to speed soon!


      my most rusted on users, were big chat users and the difference in experience there has been a little bit painful. Its an extra click for them to find the chatroom they use, and we can't integrate a block on the front page, which is how most of them discovered it in the first place. It is also quite inconsistent in terms of logging in. It would not surprise me if those two issues are related (in fact I might try disablign chat and see if that does make a difference)

      • Phil I just reported an problem regarding you site to Ning support. Please email me ASAP at


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