Hi does anyone know the CSS coding for the event pages? I need to change some text of the CSS coding to it.
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Which part do you want to change ?
Hi thanks for replying back I have 2 event pages on my network page one I need keeping same as it is. But the other I need to change the CSS coding the wording Event/Events in it needs to be changed to Castings/Casting. I've put Google Drive link images below of what I mean.
Yes can do it but not with CSS, going to take a bit of work so give me a while to sort it out as a lot of sections need changing. Give me a few days as got a lot on at the moment.
Bizz :-)
By the way what is the page name for the castings events ?
Hiya thanks for this its very appreciated the links of the page name is below my network name is http://www.extremephotographynetworking.ning.com ive not done a proper domain yet till the network is all built. Ive also attached the links of images of the wording what needs to be changed if you need anymore info just let me know and thanks again for this.
Here we go James, this will change all the parts for you. I have also added it to a page on my site as may be easier to copy the code there as the pages are bigger : Event Page Changes
First a few images to show the changes
Code for changing all details wording from Events to Castings.
Code is to go in the Social Site Manager End Of Page Section.
First add a New Event Page and name this page Castings , this is important as the code looks for that page name.
// change events to casting by John Bizley 2020
var changeH3All = ".page-castings .eventListPage .module-header h3.module-name";
var changeH3Past = ".page-castings-list-past .module-header h3.module-name";
var changeH3My = ".page-castings-list-my .module-header h3.module-name";
var noMatch = ".page-castings-list-my .entry-emptyPageMessage, .page-castings-list-past .entry-emptyPageMessage";
var noMatchUp = ".page-castings .entry-emptyPageMessage";
var optionDropEdit = '.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .optionsEdit';
var optionDropFeature = '.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .optionsFeature';
var optionDropForward = '.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .optionsForward';
var optionDropDelete = '.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .optionsDelete';
var navAllCast = '.page-castings ul.subnav li > a:contains("All Events")';
var navUpCast = '.page-castings ul.subnav li > a:contains("Upcoming Events")';
var navPastCast = '.page-castings ul.subnav > li a[href$="/past"]';
var navMyCast = '.page-castings ul.subnav > li a[href$="/my"]';
x$('.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .icon-feature').closest('li').addClass('optionsFeature');
x$('.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .icon-edit').closest('li').addClass('optionsEdit');
x$('.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .icon-forward').closest('li').addClass('optionsForward');
x$('.page-castings #eventPage-optionsDropdown .icon-trash').closest('li').addClass('optionsDelete');
x$('.page-castings .page_header .pull-right a.button.button-iconic i').text("Add Casting");
x$('.page-castings .page_header .pull-right a.button.button-iconic ').attr('title','Add Casting');
x$('body.page-castings-event-new .eventEditPage-steps > label:nth-child(1)').text("Create a Casting");
x$('.page-castings .inviteMembersPage .module-byline > a').text("< Back to Casting");
x$('body.page-castings-event-new form#entry-form .entryEditPage-title').attr('placeholder', 'Casting Name');
x$('.page-castings .entryEditPage-imgTitle').text("Casting Image");
x$('.page-castings a.entryEditPage-deleteLink ').text("Delete Casting");
x$('.page-castings .eventDetailPage .entry-headline > div:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(3)').text("( See other Castings )");
x$(navAllCast).text("All Castings");
x$(navUpCast).text("Upcoming Castings");
x$(navPastCast).text("Past Castings");
x$(navMyCast).text("My Castings");
x$(noMatchUp).text("No Castings As Yet");
x$(noMatch).text("No matching Castings were found");
x$(changeH3All).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("All Events", "All Castings");
x$(changeH3Past).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("Past Events", "Past Castings");
x$(changeH3My).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("My Events", "My Castings");
x$(optionDropEdit).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("Edit Event", "Edit Casting");
x$(optionDropFeature).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("Feature Event", "Feature Casting");
x$(optionDropForward).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("Copy Event", "Copy Casting");
x$(optionDropDelete).html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("Delete Event", "Delete Casting");