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ok well i may have lied about the 1 easy step slightly  actualy is a few steps but 1 easy leap

i recently took a break from styling and posting styling tips to  work on seo (see my seo tip here ) and speeding up my site 9 see my speed tip here ( )

then ran into an issue.. the slowest thing on my site was now adsence

i had tried localizing the adsence scripts on ning api but that made very lil difference

last niggt a nc was talking to me wanting seo help with the sitemaps and he suggested i try openx onramp ad server  which i did and  imedietly saw a massive increase in revenues..5 times what i made from adsense alone..on day 1  10 times as much on day 2 (today)

so i was impressed and then to speed up ad serving i installed the openx ad serving platform on my vps server using a subdomain of my domain

now ad servings lightning fast overal page speeds faster then ever

and ad revenues are way above normal..and increasing

if you dont have a vps  (shared hosting would be too slow) i can maybe work something out with ya fr a real small fee to help cover server costs 1 of 2 options

1 i can set up  your ad serving campains on my subdomain


for a slightly higher price install a aderver on a subdomain of your domain

only the 2nd option would alow you full control like setting up campainss for fully paid ads etc

try openx onramp  using their servers 1st then devcide if u want to have your own ad server

the added site speeds really worthwhile

on my time for a tuneup discusion theres many site speed tests a couple give very detailed results  test yours and see how long adsense ads take to load..

chances are its 1/2 your overall download time so faster ads means a site twice as fast as b4

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  • yes they are having network isssues the forums are unreachable as well clear cache and cookies and try again later

    i made 10 times as much on the 1st dat and im still adjusting it and letting it adjust to the trafic too

  • they are performing a big upgrade thats why some pages acted funny

    give it a day or so if its still acting up i got the support email

  • You guys should give a try to Google Tag Manager!


    • ? whats thatt do?

      • Gives you a "faster site more $ in 1 easy step"



        • how?

          it looks loike its an easier way to add codes when  tagging fir use with adwords not adsense

          so hows it work whats it do?


          be more specidfic

  • Well that's why I said it was not exactly one easy step.
    First you add your website.
    Second ad zones for each ad space.
    Third, create a banner for each ad, choose the generic HTML version paste in your AdSense code specify the size and click okay.
    Fourth, create campaign you want a remnant campaign.
    Fifth, set the price for the base price collate what you expect that placement to get normally and that base price will be met or beat by a open X's. Open X ads will only show if they pay more than that amount.
    Sixth link you're banners to your zones. And your zones to your campaign.
    Seventh on the zones. Click the invocation code, select iframes set the refresh to 60 or 90 somewhere between there. (Note, if you use the cash buster code in the code you've I have a section that says insert random numerals here – replace that with the same random numbers in each spot different random numbers for each ad zone though.)
    Eighth, just paste that code here in your site.

    And then you will have to click at think it says openx market or something and create another account there with the same email address, but can be a different username and password, but that's where you set up your payment information and everything like that to get paid

  •  still playing with settings trying to maximize it but it might take several days to a couple weeks to optimize

    as it adjusts to trafic etc

    but after day 1 i shut off my paywall donation request as i felt it was hurting joines a lil

    i completely redit it all today   to set seperate zones for each and every ad space

    my low trafic  sites i linked  all zine s through1 campain but my main site i set a campain for each zone so i can micro manage and adjust to maximize the profits

    so tomorows (today since its 3 am)  will be 1st full day with the new setup

  • if you use their adserver yes if u use a vps adserver like i am its instant

  • i'm literaly making 10 times as much now!

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