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NC for Hire

If you have been looking for a simple way to add typographic effects to your headings, titles, etc. here is a tip for you. NOTE: This tip is for NCs who have imported Google Custom Fonts into their networks.

Add Style and Depth to your Type, Easily

Google Fonts has silently released a Beta feature for adding Font Effects to your imported fonts.
Google Font Effects

Normally, the types of effects that I am about to show you must be achieved using CSS3 styling, but Google has made this easier for you.

To use this new beta feature, simply add effect= to your Google Fonts API request and add the corresponding class name to the HTML element(s) that you want to affect. In our example above, we used the shadow-multiple font effect, so the request would look like:

To use the effect, add the corresponding class name to your HTML element(s). The corresponding class name is always the effect name prefixed with font-effect-, so the class name for shadow-multiple would be font-effect-shadow-multiple:

This is a font effect!

You can request multiple effects by separating the effect names with a pipe character (|).
Here is a complete listing of all the font effects offered by Google ( go here to get effect codes)

If you ever find that you need help with your Network redesign or simply adding some interaction to your network, send me a message on my profile or give me a call. I'm happy to help and look forward to seeing what you have done!

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  • How cool is that!  Thank you JF!  Awesome as always

    • NC for Hire

      pretty cool I'd say... would love to see some screenshots of what others come up with!  Thanks Kos!

  • Hi JFarrow 

    sorry I can do not understand code apart from copy and paste , could you please help me with a code for google fonts please thank you so very much for your help :)

    • NC for Hire

      Hi Mary Jane... do you have Google Fonts installed on your site?  If you do you know that the style code that Google Fonts give you is places in the top portion of your custom code page in dashboard.  After choosing the style you want to apply here, you would simply copy the effect portion of code inside the code you already have like so.

      Example for Multiple Shadow effect:
      • Hi  JFarrow 

        Thank you

        I never use  Google Fonts , I never hear about it until you said about it. 

        But I would like to use them lo .  it's just the code I am worry about as I can not understand code apart from copy and paste as I got cerebral palsy


        • NC for Hire

          not a problem Mary Jane.  If you go here to pick out a couple of fonts, I will get the code for you to cut and paste into your site and tell you where to place it.  YOu'll need one that is thicker for headings and titles and one that is thinner and easy to read for paragraphs.   Just come back here and tell me the fonts you choose and I'll do the rest.  Hope this helps Mary Jane..

          • Hi JFarrow

            Thank you so very much 

            I like the  font effects you got at the top , could you help me with that thank you 

            Is there is way that I could that my wallpaper BACKGROUND SCROLL AND ANIMATE

            Here is my site Always An Open Network

            Thank you so very very much for your help and time 

            • NC for Hire

              ok... well you would add this to the top portion of your Custom Code page 

              <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

              and then add this to your CSS section of Design Studio

              h1, h2, h3 {font-family: 'Rancho', cursive;}

              tell me how that turns out.. may need adjustments

              • Hi JFarrow

                Thank you .

                Please take a look , I don't think is working at the min .  can you have a look for me thank you 

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