Hi there, Is aeveryone doing fine?
I am working to make my network ready to get the next level with all the new factures. Put I am missing something. How the member can Like pictures. I only can see one star above the picture. We need to put it under the pictures and more ption as thums up, heart etc.... How can I make it work ?
Hi there,
You din't understand. I need to have it all. The Star, thumb up, Heart etc. Just like on Facebook. As you can see, we have only one option, heart or star
Hi Fabricio.
So far as I have understood you wish to replace the heart or star with thumbs up etc. and place it after the post itself?
Oк you are willing to have all those buttons heart, thumbs up, star etc. work simultaneously under each post on your network?
The first option could be made with the custom code, that's why I'm asking :-)
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Hi Kyryl,
Yes, I am willing to have all those buttons. Would really help.
Hi Fabricio,
First I thought to accomplish this with the code, however, I have realized that all the counters could be tricked and the people would be able to vote several times unless the member's info (basically ID) has been recorded in the list of the people who have voted.
I'll create the suggestion to extend the functionality of likes. However, I still don't understand why it's necessary to have all three options working at the same time as basically, they would be doing pretty much the same (counting the votes).
Best wishes,
Ning Team.
Hi Kyryl,
It's all about members can express they feelings, They be able to show how they feel about some thing. If we talking about a picture for exemple, a member can show whats does he thing about the coposition, creativity etc... And it opens more possibilities etc for the creators work it as best for then... All network has it. I can show you two exemples. Add a print
Hi Fabricio,
Thanks for the explanation, I guess the star wouldn't be so useful when you are trying to express your emotions related to the post, but still, I think there should be some cases when such sign would be crucial.
I have added some comments to the suggestion created before.
Ning Team.
If we can reward member by how many content they like, give thumbnails up heart and more. Would be the best. Think about it. We need to make the members, be on our network, as long as they can. Entertain them, so they stay long.
Hi Fabricio,
I guess it would be better to reward the author for the likes ect. If you are getting point for the likes, then you could start just giving them to every post if your aim is to receive as many points as possible, but if you are getting points for the likes under your posts, that could provoke you to create better content on the network, which will definitely help to increase the number of users and their participation.
What do you think about that?
Best wishes,
Ning Team.
Hi Kyryl,
I've been studying how to engaje members on a rewads system, couse what we need to do, is based on this. And we found the reward members works better on give or get likes.
Who gives get encorage to keep engaged on the network.
Who gets get enconrage to create even more content
Would be possible to do it?
I would like to understant how far could you help us on this. Showing whats is possible and whats is not. There is a very small things that I could show to you to see if is posible.
For now that would be possible to get Thumbs up, heart and more?
Would be possible the get rewards for get and give thumbs up heart and more?
Best wishes,
Fabrício Giugni