Dear Creators,
I will celebrate together with 3800 members the 3rd birthday of my network, The International NanoScience Network.
Have you any idea how to do it? Made you something extra on birthday of your Networks?
thanks for replies
what i do in previous years:
- i organize an international chat weekend for the members (with different time zones of the members is not so easy)
- "a picture from your window" to create a big poster (I get only 4-5 photos)
- in this year I started to collect the personal stories (job-search, scientific results, meetings,...) which are connected to our network.
On EsTuDiabetes, we use UStream to broadcast a live video session (which we embed in a Text Box at the top of the middle column on the home page), coupled with the chat in the community which we:
1) Enable for the occasion (we normally have it disabled);
2) Place on the home page, directly below the embedded UStream feed.
For TuDiabetes, we normally look back and share important milestones with the community in the form of a post, linking to it from a banner on the home page. Members in the community feel PRIDE, so that is something you can ask people to share: their favorite moment in the past X years, etc.
Hope these ideas help! :)
Since our Birthday falls on Christmas day, we are normally too busy celebrating another birthday to bother with ours. But we have had a presence on the internet since 1995, so this is our 15th year. 4 years as a social network and trust me when I tell you it is a contant battle to get those 1000 members a year in a niche group of business people. But we may celebrate with a Banner...if there is time. It is hard to celebrate anything with so many out of work, and so many hungry people in the world.
thanks for the idea,
how many people take part on virtual event? had you problems with different time zones, location of the members?
what was the topic, program of the live video session?
On the occassion of the first birthday of my network, I posted a blog & all the other members commented on it by writing messages, poems, making videos & posting more works & articles on my network!
By the way I just joined your network & it is a birthday gift to your network!
All my best wishes to you & the network created by you
Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa
Dear Krishna,
thanks for the joining :)
Our network just turned 2 this month ( We have chat parties every Friday night and were thinking of having a special party where those who are local to Utah gather in a central location for a party and have the party shared through USTREAM for those non-local to Utah to feel a part of the fun and also chat with those at the party.
Thanks Micah,
are this chat parties thematic? is there any topic or just chat? how many people can you reach with this?
We really just talk about whatever topic comes up during the chat. Most of our members are in the US so we get people arriving as early as 8pm Eastern for East coasters but have some chatting till early AM hours. There's usually about 25 people in the room at anyone time but over the course of the night, around 75 participate.
thanks Micah