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NC for Hire

If a Member of your Ning Network chooses to leave your Network via:
My Settings/Profile/Leave
"Your Ning Network", you can customize the message you would like for them to see on their departure. This is a great way to wish them well, and say thank you for being a part of your Ning Network. It leaves a positive message with them, as they depart. And they may decide not to leave.

Important Note:
I have experimented with this several times. Based on my experience, you cannot add any HTML tags. I'm not sure why. You can't even add a line feed, just a simple text message. That's it.

How To Customize / Add Text to "Are you sure you want to leave...?" Page and Example:

  1. Go to My Network/Settings/Language Editor, and click on EDIT next to your language.
  2. Be sure to give the page time to completely load, to ensure you select the correct language.
  3. Under the title "Original Text", to left of Search button, search on this exact string: "Are you sure you want to leave %s? This process may take a few minutes." without the quotes.
  4. You will see a box in the right column that contains the search string you entered. This is where you want to add your custom content.
  5. Add your custom text. Be sure to keep the "Are you sure you want to leave %s? This process may take a few minutes.", or enter an appropriate replacement. The safest bet: add your custom text below the special line.
  6. Click on Save.

Test this on a test site. Be sure to access your "Leave Network" page on the test site, to see your results - - via My Settings/Profile/Leave "Your Ning Network". PLEASE  DO NOT LEAVE YOUR OWN NETWORK WITH A REAL MEMBER ACCOUNT. In fact, you don't have to actually "leave" to see your custom message.

Good Luck,

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  • Nice one, Jen! I never thought of doing that. Really great tip. :)
    • NC for Hire

      Hahahaha! Very Funny! You might have to be careful of people who would like daily emails. I think I might change mine to "I've reconsidered and would like to remain on this network." or "I agree to pay a $10 processing fee to leave this network (optional)" or "Please add my name to the terrorist watch list." :D
    • HA! That's hilarious.
    • NC for Hire
      Glad to hear you like it!
  • NC for Hire
    Thank you, this is a great suggestion. I guess we are relegated to all caps for emphasis and maybe even a URL maybe that may get automatically converted.

    Interesting I scoured your text and didn't find any phrase in there that says "Don't let the door hit ya where the lord split ya". :-). Perhaps that is another discussion forum where we can leave suggested phrases for members who are leaving. "What's your problem?", "Where the heck do you think you're going?", "If you leave I'll talk bad about you to the other members." and "Haven't you seen the Facebook movie?" I think are my personal favorites. :-).

    It would be awfully nice if Ning did not have that checkbox automatically checked for the people who are used to installing programs by just clicking next, next, next. I wouldn't have to do as much explaining about the repercussions of not taking the extra step to uncheck the box. Some people may think a checked box is the Network's preference. It's easier to destroy than it is to create. I hope Ning reconsiders the default on this or give us the choice.
    • NC for Hire
      Definitely my fav: "Don't let the door hit ya where the lord split ya".
    • NC for Hire
      I wasn't sure if this was a worthy enough tip or not. Glad you all like it.
  • Awesome Jen, thank you!
    • NC for Hire
      Hey FedMedic,
      Glad you like it! My pleasure.
  • This reply was deleted.
    • NC for Hire
      Thanks Kris. I do think it offers up a great way to leave that last positive impression.
This reply was deleted.

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