I added a page for uploading videos...I then uploaded a video but I decided I wanted to delete the video. No where on the page was there an edit button so I could delete it. Can someone let me know if you can't delete a video once you upload one? Thank you!
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I believe if you go to "edit" the video, the delete button is at the bottom of the page. I'm on the road so I can't check this so let me know if I'm correct.
Hi John,
I found how to edit/delete video under "Edit Profile and Email Settings" in top right corner. It doesn't show an edit option other than through that. So kind of interesting. Otherwise I am running in to a couple of other issues...if you could help me that'd be great
1. I have multiple categories I have set up to be able to place videos under specific topics...when I am choosing a category it says "choose one or more categories." I would like to definitely be able to choose more than one category but when I try to choose more than one it won't let me...do you know if there is a setting for that somewhere? I can't find one on my dashboard under sites and pages when setting up page.
2. It seems people can't search by category either in the search box on the video page. And tags don't work in search box either. Do you know anything about this by chance?
Thank you for your help!
1. I changed the wording in Language Editor - members must hold down CTRL to select more than one.
Thank you Kos! Greatly appreciated!
Hey Kos,
So how would members be able to do that on mobile version?
Oooh you've got me there. I'm a complete novice when it comes to 'mobile'. Sorry :(
Lol ok. No worries. Maybe John will know. Thanks for your help though :-)
Hi Jennifer,
As Kos mentioned it's necessary to hold CTRL to choose several categories at the same time. For the mobile it's much easier, there are tick boxes near each category so your members would be able simply to tick as many categories as they wish. Here is the screenshot from my test network (made on Android):
Unfortunately, the search on the videos page, performing the search only by the title of the video and also it searches through all videos regardless the category they were added to.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Thank you Kyryl!