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Is there a way I can determine if members have been inactive since a particular time period? If so, can I just remove them from my site rather than ban or delete them?

I'm looking to make sure our site has members who have logged on at least once over the last year so that our membership listing is more current.  Any ideas on ways to encourage inactive members to use the site again before removing their profiles.


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  • NC for Hire

    Hi there,

    Ning doesn't have this kinda feature..but I suggest you to Export All Member Data (.CSV) and sort last log in column and remove them manually.

  • Yes, there is a way to do this. Go to the 'My Network'tab and then select 'Management' in the Members Section.

    Then scroll down to the bottom and click on 'Export All Member Data'. This will generate a CSV file within are sections showing when members last logged in. From this you can identify inactive members and decide what to do.

  • NC for Hire

    But this is not a good idea.... because in my network there are 4/5 members have come back again without reminding and they are active now...

  • Thanks for ideas everyone! I've requested the export data file for my membership list. I'm also going to send out a message today to members about this process and encouraging them to update their profiles or upload new stuff to our site.

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