So im re-writing this tip asfter realizing i was going off of flawed info
however you still can double your income using the openx ad server
heres how create a campain set the cpm to that of adsence maybe a couple cents higher with the buy rate at that price
monitor and adjust as adsence fluctuates but when it settles into a pretty predictable "norm"
compare that average cpm with the actual cpm your getting from open market (read the open market row ignore the adseence row!)
now set your cpm base min buy rate at 1/2 way between
fron there on you should need minumal djustmenbts and monitoring
however both adsence and open market will taje a couple weeks to adjust
the ecmp auto adjust feature only works on open x server not on the open source fversion on private servers
can i use something other than adsense?
i replied in the other u can use anything at all
irs completeky unrestricted and adaptable
rwallu=y it doesnt matter what u use cause that few pennies wont matter
ad cents will seem like nothijg
i made 1,500 dollars in the time adsence paid 17!
you might as well skip adsence and add a thank you fir dropping by banner instead.,k]lol
Are you sing the enterprise version? that the one you can use you own sever? I was wondering how much the enterprise version cost.
no im not im using open market source its free
i might look into open lift or open x enterpridse
kift sounds more like what i need
although]im doing phenominaly well with the free version
175 an hour!
over 4 k expected today
my minds blown
i havent yet adjusted o this new readkity
you dont need it but its highly recomended
i an help u there
u dojnt want shared u want vps at least
i stepped up 2 levels to the higher perfoprmance just to be sure
8 gigs more then eniugh for a linux webserver but mac?
who uses macs as webserver?
u want linux not mac
unles u want windows but only for aspx sites
macs are useless garbaf=ge especialy for web servers
i dont even know if thawy can be used fior servers
your better off with the vps
di=o u have a super fast connection high bandwith dedicated ips
linux will run better with les power then the rest
u mentioned the color of the macs macs are all flash..look pretty but thats it nit a real workg[-horse more like my pretty pony
i dont care much abiut style 1;2 the time my pcs dont hace a case lol well the frames but the sides left off wires spilling out the sides in fact hard drives hanging ot not even mounted in racks
id tell them what u want a linux web server u will want raid scso=i drives fir hot swapping and double reunency (1 drives backe=uped in a duplicate on the next so 1 faikes u pull it out and swap in a new 1 with no need to restore data)
also unless u know alot about linux and server config running a web server can be a supreme headache withot a manged serever tweaking settings for best performance etc
i looked at bhuddypress as a nin g alternawte i installed uploaded the day=ta etc it just seemed so sloppy compared to ning i gave =up right away
Alright I'm giving it a whirl!!!
OK, words deciphered - thanks soaring for the time spent writing this up.
I'm running an affiliate banner through OpenX here (the Law Depot 125x125) with a $2 floor price to see if that gets picked up in the OpenX Market. If it does then I'll try this stacking - whatever that may be :-)