So here's a mini tip:
How to Make all links that leads out of your site open in a new tab.
That means , links that doesn't contain your network domain , will be opened in a new tab. This method can be used so that your network doesn't lose precious traffic because of external links.
Normally if we do it using HTML , we will just add a target="_blank" attribute to it. What if user put an external in a comment , we can't edit the content.
<a href="externallink" target="_blank">External Site</a>
This is when the awesome jQuery steps in, just copy this code into your custom code:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
//look at each links on your network
//if link has http
//if the link does not contain your hostname (yournetwork.com)
if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) {
//add attribute target to it to open in new tab
}); //end of each function
I'm using jQuery's .each() and .attr() to get the work done.
Location.hostname is to get your domain name mynetwork.com
.indexOf is use to see if a string contains something.
== -1 That means does not exist!
That's it. Hope you like it.
thanks, great script!
This is an important mini tip. Question, I have 2 websites meshed as 1 (Ning with a .php site).
How would you write it so both sites stay on target?
Try this , replace otherdomain.com/file.php with your other site link:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
//look at each links on your network
//if link has http
//if the link does not contain your hostname (yournetwork.com)
if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1 || this.href.indexOf('otherdomain.com/file.php') == -1) {
//add attribute target to it to open in new tab
}); //end of each function
This is a great tip thank you Elson :)
MINI??? MAXI!!! Thank you VERY much Elson
glad you all like it.
That worked AWESOME Elson! Thanks!!!
Gracias me funciono de maravilla.
i covered this back in 2011 here but i like your solution much better!