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I made the decision to migrate my 2.0 site to 3.0 site about three weeks ago. I've had nothing but problems since and my site is still not functioning and I am unable to launch it. I was supposed to launch on June 1 but I've had to push my launch back three times already. Every time a problem was fixed, a new one was created. It appeared that work was never checked by NING and each time, I had to bring the new problems to their attention. Each time, it took days/a week to get the issue addressed. From duplicate photos, videos, and forum posts, to missing comments/replies on all posts, and now the posts are not displaying correctly and I am missing latest activity since Nov 2020. Added to that, the support team did not seem proficient in web design. They did not know what a footer was. I am often put off to figure things out on my own, then I have to go back to them and explain why they need to assist. Right now, my default Above Footer HTML Box is not displaying the same on all pages. I was told my site was functioning fine. I had to then explain to them that something is wrong if the HTML has a class applied but the margins are different on different pages. So now they said sorry, there is a problem with the CSS code and the developers have to look into it. It's very hard to understand how a company that has been doing this for years has had so many issues doing what should have been a standard migration upgrade. Is this just happening to me or have others had issues like this, too? I've already been charged for the year and three weeks in and I'm losing income every day by having my site launch delayed over and over again. I was so happy with my 2.0 site and would have continued with it had it not been so difficult to upgrade my design or make any changes to my site. 3.0 feels like a total downgrade with a bunch of features and abilities I've been enjoying no longer available and there are limits to the design layouts. The only reason I am upgrading at this point is for the responsiveness. What's going on?!

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  • Hello, 

     Thank you for contacting us. 

     We are very sorry to hear about all of your issues and we do apologize for all the inconveniences you are facing.

     All the provided information has been escalated to our migration and management department. 

     You will be contacted personally via email as soon as possible.

     We do apologize once again and feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

     Best regards,
    The Ning Team

    • I appreciate the reply but I've attempted to escalate this multiple times already. I never received any contact back from NING to address my concerns, other than the migration specialist working on my site. He did give this to the Lead Developer on Monday but he did not hear anything back yet so I have no idea if anyone is even working on it yet.


      • It would be really nice to receive some sort of update on the status of my migration.


    • Hello Elizabeth,

      Can you help me? I am still waiting for resolution of the Above Footer HTML Box CSS code. Right now, I am unable to have a default Above Footer HTML Box because the CSS classes applied to my content is not displaying on any of my site pages except for the community homepage. I asked for help with this from NING Support on June 15. I was told it was being worked on. I have not gotten updated. I am wondering why it would take so long to fix this particular issue since it seems like it would be very important to have this working for all of NINGs millions of sites. Unless, of course, it's just my site that is having this problem... ?? Can you get me a status update? Thank you for your help.

  • NC for Hire

    I do not work for Ning but I will tell you that in my opinion, once you get going with 3.0, 2.0 cannot hold a candle to all that you can do....  if you need help with your community, reach out...  several of us have been on the platform since 2006 and can help you troubleshoot specific problems or ideas.  Happy to help...

    • Thank you, that makes me feel hopeful. They finally did fix the major issue last Friday so I was able to migrate to 3.0. However I still have the outstanding issue of the CSS code not being applied to the Above Footer HTML Box which was reported to NING over a week ago and I've gotten no updates on the status. I am also experiencing very slow site processing times, and there is a bug on my members page I just discovered today. There have been nothing but problems, and then poor communication from them on the follow up.


      • can you share the css you have used as it might be because some of the css classes in 3.0 are different to 2.0 so it might be just a scase of updating your css


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