My opinion:
Groups are neglected because no updates about new members are shown in the activity feed.
The same goes for member profiles. Member comments are not shown. And all activity disappears into invisibility. Only new friends are noticed.
I can't think of anything else at the moment but there are more unpleasant things.
As I run two networks, I have decided: Before I give up Ning 2.0, I would always part with Ning 3.0.
Thanks for reading and any improvements,
Eva Libre
Yes, I'm also struggling with this problem. The activity feed is pretty bad right now. It doesn't show near the activity it should and it sometimes makes my site look really inactive when in fact it's not. Unforunately I already asked this question a few months ago with no replies.
It is annoying and tedious not to see when a member joins a group. Or if there is a new group! Just saying!
One way to get your activites in groups to show up in your feed is to combine the feeds from groups either into an OPML file (OPML File Maker) and then use RSS2JSON to display feeds. Or there is RSS-Bridge which allows you to combine multiple feeds into one feed.
Tip: Create Self Updating Content Widgets for your Community
TIP N3.0: How to Fix Your RSS Feed Imports with One Line of Code
Amazing Tool to Automate Your Content Discovery, RSS and Sharing Co...
Oh Eva thanks for this post,... Yeah Ning 03 sucks big time alright!!, you get no notifications on anything posted,or that your following,or groups that have been added, you might get a random notification every so often,.. even if youve set your profile settings to recieve everything you dont get them.., and by the sounds of whats being suggested on this thread already to fix things behind the scenes as an owner, its so damn complicated you have to be either a pro IT or a damn rocket scientist to do anything.
Why did Ning ever try to make a 03 format anyway?,.. 02 is working just fine and its easier to manouver around, those who have been on Ning for many years can honestly say that they know the 02 format really well,and it works... besides the old saying goes, "when somethings working dont go fiddling around and stuff it up so much it dosnt work at all",... and yet it sounds like this is just what Ning has done and at a higher price plan fee for it also..what a mess..
The thing is if you dont have members you dont have a social media website at all, and this 03 format is scaring members away cos they dont know how to manouver around it so well, so they move away all together.. they also cant add their 02 themes to their profile pages backgrounds either as they are totally uncompatable, so all those people making 02 format themes now have to relearn how to do 03 themes, whoah they already spend a lot of time making these 02 themes too, if I was them I'd be really peeved off with all the wasted hours making them only to not be able to use them... ok rant over.. I step off my ranting box before I get a smack in my chops from the top boss. .but this is truths Ning you stuffed up this time big time..I wont be moving even if you made it free..
Found this post with more complaints about the Ning3.0 malfuntioning for members in the comments section, so it looks like its got a major downfull even though its been a while running now, its still got so many issues still..
Merry Christmas
Today I woke up totally frustrated and determined to do something.
At the end of the year my Ning 3: Moondance will celebrate its third birthday. I am very confused and disappointed about the failure of this network. In these 3 years there has not been a new member and the members I have are completely inactive, which I can partly understand because Ning 3 is not communicative in its structure. I have put all my energy into building this network to make it somewhat attractive with my groups. Unfortunately, that has not been successful either.
That is why I have decided to end this sad chapter by handing the network over to interested parties or simply canceling the network.
I am still the owner of a Ning 2 network that I love and care for very much. So if anyone knows a solution to my disappointing situation, please get in touch.
Merry Christmas