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Coromandel,New Zealand


May 23

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'Ravens Sanctuary' its were people connect soul to soul as a family..[Private]

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ..Using phrases unprintable under current law,causes riots in social networking sites, once refused all requests to write a letter of introduction for his page. However, a curious accident involving a Windows XP bug and a freeware Jewish Calendar program caused the following biosketch to fall through a tiny perforation in the time continuum. As far as we can tell, it was (will be?) written in the year 2066 or so by a young scholar whose first writings 'Universal Raven Rants & Offerings' once had occasion to read the first few pages of, then used as a liner for a cat litter box. I thought this fragment informative enough to include here.

He is not a curmudgeonly old soul, but when he is not correcting copies of his writings with white twink ink, spends most of his time in the garden wearing a filthy, floppy karki sun-hat & deliberately amusing neighborhood children by barking funny obscenities & waving his arms about his head,making them think hes a magpie gone mad...:

The last surviving member of his university class, he has become its? secretary by default and took keen, cackling delight in filling the Uni magazine with long, ramblings..



I follow the path of my Raven Life Guide..Last I looked I had a Master Weapon!! Society has labelled me Androgynous Male.
I am a empathic Medium. I love to learn, exercise my talents, and help people to what ever they need to realize to wake up. I am what some  would call a Soul Seer of ancient proportions, for I'm able to tap into cosmic source of ancient birth brought forth to this land,with eyes open and ready I'm intricately molded into form,I'm here to bring forth information in many ways to see & translate what you see,a natural gift I was given from birth.

"I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvellous that only the marvellous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvellous, I let go. I Am governed by my Raven Life Guide & I also have two soul scepter Guardians.

"I am what I am and I am one In the form of a man who will always be biologically younger than his actual age (blame the anti-aging Indigo child DNA). I love to learn, exercise, and help people to what ever they need.

 I'm not necessarily the end result of my past... I'm more like the current result of the beginning of my future. I'm always planning something. I like to think of my life as a set of a big Puzzle laid out in a complex, intricate, and yet marvellous design; with each individual pieces of that universal Puzzle specifically laid into place, while simultaneously representing a particular stage in my Eternal Life. The more I grow, the more I learn, the more the design starts to unfold and take shape... as my purpose and direction becomes more clear to me. This on going process remains synonymous with that which I am & balanced, though I am a celestial being I'm living a human existence... an on going process....



Being a whisperer of words. I am drawn to imagery/music. Feeling what lies beyond and beneath the canvas & vibrational tones ..this inspires the Muse within to create. As I become one with what is invisible..made visible..orchestrated through my fingertips as pen hits parchment..expressing the unexpressable.

Hear the messages like that of a child of the moon, being rised by the sun in this world, walked by stars & sky drawn by flowers, and into the forest I go to loose my mind and find my soul, all these Ravens enjoy & love moonlight & rainstorms,and so many other things that have soul.

Image result for Raven birds rainbow feathers

Awake only for the moon and the nightshade sighs, unhinged and silent night breaths. I weep with lids shut and know no light, for the sun aches for your absence--- oh tired son of morning stars you call to me...
Let me walk among your dreams thus lay with the fare farewell party like all the men & womyn you once knew past & forgotten...

Bless the sheets with my body of natural nudity and hold tight the secret of your hushed kiss in a grasp of midnight moonlight--- yet evermore...


This is my representative of a desire to let my words speak for themselves rather than elaborating on them with crescendos of compelling volumes to hit home on a higher frequency,as has been my equally compelling want in the past,now there are no Native Indian drums thumping a rythm to ferociously to dance to,...rather a slightly pastoral air of melancholy dominates, yet my relaxed demeanor only serves to emphasise my pleasantly stentorian tone & the curious mixture of abject intensity..
that's my wry sense of humour that underwrites my whole personality if you hadnt already noticed..

The imagery I create is strong as ever, as with this understated delivery all the more effecting..
Sure in superficial terms this may be my least extreme poeticly infused work to date,but on closer inspection it reveals a further depth to my written inner soul wisdom instead.. that only makes it more rewarding, after all, unlike the monolithic subject matter of many a past piece thats written, or what I deal with on a daily basis, all the universal human conscerns that I maintain a unique insight into,..

I keep my seraph blue energy moving forward belief's that creativity will set one free, & multidimensionallity as you may call it here will create the worlds you will now live is not about the end product but the road to there and the experiance of creating, when a painting is made it's not much different than when a personality is created.. it is about feeling alive while experiencing the creation & the creating itself.

I mean all this stuff means different things to different people, the person you are, changes at every moment with every step you make to the future you will live in also changes,.. as you create a new persona, as you transform into a new self & a new version of the the rock painting that changes with every rain fall weathering it, every time you change with every thought you create,... you & the world reality you live in changes.. every step that you make changes.

Maori Carving Symbol Meanings – Global Culture

Maori carving symbol for world unity

Worlds will only be free of harsh boarders or boundaries when the power of love overcomes the love for power...when the outcome is no longer important & when the soul matters more than your avatar human body it is housed within...when death is no longer an end to life within the minds of the many...when they no longer need a notion of this so called God to come save them from themselves...when they acknowledge what lies within themselves.. that is what they are right now...whether it be an emotional shard or something from my current vault of poetic obsessions - into what the reader here ultimately experiences and because of that, intense associations are developed, especially for those serious about the subject matter writen in black ink upoon this page here.

It has gotten to the point where my name has become more than just my birth given name, to all manner of poetic lovers, it's almost gone from proper noun to mythological adjective, In the same way Albert Einstein's last name has come to respresent a colloquial definition of intelligence, my name has taken on an additional meaning synonymous with leftfield adventures, look for the knowing glances from others online when my pen name Reɪvən is brought up in discussion about poetic word phrases & thoughts.

I' m happy people are reading and enjoying what I say... as I now fly with brand new wings as the newly reborn Raven I am,..
I will see how others change I change and how my new self will create a new reality for those to exist within..
So my words no longer are feared but needed so the true self is reopened, baffling and disorientatingly unforgiving, yet it's directness soon works it's way under the skin regardless, as this shift of beingness runs towards a more urban raw sensibility.. draws parallels no longer manipulated into a scratchy impressionist blur.. but is dissodent, creative it shines, infectiously compelling just like Rimu once spoke of....
As to me love will enter your life as the true perception of the self..then the you is freed from beneath the second veil,the shroud that which you have placed over yourself ..then all masks shall be lifted, the naked self will kiss the clouds of silk above the golden mountain tops...birds will sing the song of such revelation as the dreams of your own reality change places.
What you thought you were, will no longer be that thought, what you thought you knew shall be deemed illusionary...
The road will be shown before you in the sky's as in the rivers the waters running by your home will tell story's as you listen to the wind, the waves it creates, hear the echo of the songs of those lost over time, its never gone away though, youv'e gone.. believe in what you see, you shall prevail,......for all the technicality ascribed & all the determined to follow my every move hung up on and traditional notion of authenticity, determined to declare the programmed force much love old friends may the light force be with you, always & yours ...

With all my Hearts space, I love you all.

©Reɪvən aka Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..

All Rights Reserved.



Does your relationship have more ups and downs than Cher's career? Do you make Pamela and Tommy seem like Ozzie and Harriet? If your love is more work than play, cast this spell to smooth the way. A warm, woodsy Egyptian musk and enchanting patchouli spiced with the subtle sweetness of cinnamon, orange blossom, and hin

'anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; while anyone who can constantly laugh at himself does not' just fine for me..

Tenthly [this is looking very good, nearing the end now] ...add all the little life skill motto's to the equation like Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful, and some people make headlines while others make history..Love doesn't just sit there, like a dead brown stone growing moss.


It has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made, new..and achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's level of aspiration and expectation and the minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for, or the big advantage of a book of knowledge that's very easy to rewind, close it and you're right back at the beginning.. hmmm lets just stop here shall all is just expressionism...

I'm capable of doing soul merging therapy, this was taught to me via all my Soul Life Guardians to heal myself... but I only do this with people who I have got to know on a personal basis first, so please feel free to pass on my words here to him/her that if they friend request me and we connect properly one on one thus they will know what outcome will happen from it aye.

We as True Starseeds volunteered to have a chance to help humanity remember in more ways than just one too.. this is our true potential, this incredible power and beauty we hold in our powerful soul energies, but some are forgetting this through focusing on minute details that do not matter at all?.. some of us are ignoring what the great consciousness shift truly stands for by focusing on subjects that will have no place in the new world that is soon to (be)merge. Things such as what race is evil or good in space, contacting the space people, whether we are evil or not, which belief or path has merit, whether UFOs visiting earth are ET or military, who is deceiving us and who is not, the darkness, the light etc etc...the list can go on forever and ever.

When what we should be really focusing on is how to improve the lives of those around us, those who cross our paths, how to safely get truth out in to the world, how to protect mother earth, how to raise awareness on various subjects, how to expand humanities consciousness, how to network, meditation and furthermore just showing humanity how incredibly big and amazing they are, how they are loved so much on all levels, we need to focus on driving them away from the conspiracies, the doomsday propaganda and externalization in general so that they may internalize and see the majesty of spirit within.

I find that some of us are still focusing on self, self self, [The 'Me,Me,Me Generation' I call it] so lets move away from self!  and expose our true inner desire and missions which is connecting to everyone else! we don't necessarily need to make a scene about it, we don't have to stand on the roof tops with a loudspeaker and shout that we are extraterrestrials here to save everyone that's not the point and besides its another form of self.

Sure it is important to take care of the vessel our cosmic energy currently inhabits but if we do our jobs right we can get humanity to the point in which they can go with in and let spirit guide them in turn transforming this present reality from one of suffering and dogma to one of peace and unity.

Perhaps we are not all ready to take these gigantic steps yet we are however prepared to move on from the seas of confusion that are currently rising within our being.

Yes it is important to grow but not to loose sight of our original purpose which is something I have only recently begun contemplating, time even if it is an illusion is of the essence on planet earth and a true Starseed knows this and understands that we are not on earth to play games I was told this by an older friend in which I grew angry because I did not want to face that fact or I wasn't ready to however know, I know that she was speaking truth even if I wasn't ready to accept that truth.

I may sound very forceful at the moment but I have just cause to be like this, I cant afford to keep holding peoples hands especially since some here are a lot older than myself and like yourself are literally hanging on to my words,but are not helping themselves with them,instead they are just floating along for the ride, I have high expectations of the people I offer my guidance to and if I don't see results coming forth, I'm apt to take a step back and let them keep on floating in their own dream words, not allowing them to keep me stagnant, and as a true Starseed and a messenger I cant stay stagnant and not move forward myself and so they waste my time & energies.

I hope you understand this...I was just having a bit of fun, reflecting over the past again, old thoughts bring out new notions... reminding myself just how I define myself, its a damn shame we cant rewind it all at times, rearrange it then live it all over again, especially the good fun


"Take my philosophies they are so simple:

Those who can, must. My Raven purpose in life is to make a positive lasting impact on the world around me. I have talents to help people & I feel that those gifts were not given to me at random. I have been blessed so that I may use my talents to aid others. I can, so I must. I also feel that the only truly worthy people are those who have touched others' lives positively, leaving a lasting impression.

If I am not remembered in a positive light after my death, I will have failed. Although the centuries will erase all traces of my existence, I do not wish to be merely another name on a stone, with no history or good deeds to mark my travels upon the earth. We quickly forget the socialites and the minor politics, yet the man who organized an orphanage is still revered for his saintliness. I only hope that in my lifetime I can help enough to make an impact on the world, even if it's small.

So may you find the peace of a balanced burden, & may the wisdom of self-reflection help you to lay down your pains when they block your path.
I could choose to be purely good, but I will not!

I could choose to be purely bad, but I will not! I will be neutral! In that way I am free to be what suits me best, and no one can predict my actions!
We strive to destroy the bed around us! Yet, we often forget that there is no light without darkness, nor darkness without light! Perhaps a plant is the best analogy! A plant realizes that too little light is deadly, but it also knows that too much light is equally deadly! It is the balance of the two that makes the world what it is!

Silence is an absence, Silence is profound, Silence is a conversation being heard without sound, Silence is an expression one cannot be heard, Silence cannot be spoken although it is a word, Silence is a presence of great nothingness, Silence can be something and yet cease to exist, Silence can fill a room and have no mass at all, Silence cannot be dropped, yet it can fall, Silence is a mystery that will forever go unsolved, Silence is how every sound can swiftly be dissolved, Silence is the sound of rest the only sound that can sound best while other sounds can cause great pain, Silence is not the sound to blame for silence is what silence is something that is nothing that exists..

Keep Silence in your heart as you open up to others to hear what they have to say! Enjoy the Silence in your soul as the sounds around you show you an in depth of what is truly magnificent & breath-taking!

Keep music as your soul companion, keep poetry embraced for there are the words that are spoken true.. keep friendship/family alive in your life & always remember to never forget to smile, even for the little things!

Your friendship is a comfort & always keep a light on in your heart to guide others to a brighter future!..

~Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ..




Vlada replied to Kos's discussion
Help w/Chat. Ning Support A No Go
"I'm no IT expert by any means, but out of curiosity have you tried entering the chat room from the main frount page in another window to see if it freezes on that too,or have you tried everything?  having me commenting in this you might get some…"
Jan 8
Vlada replied to Eva's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"Found this post with more complaints about the Ning3.0 malfuntioning for members in the comments section, so it looks like its got a major downfull even though its been a while running now, its still got so many issues still..…"
Sep 21, 2024
Vlada replied to Michael Rua Franco's discussion
Problems with in my site
"I just read your post here,now I'm no IT expert but I just went to your site and my antivirus didnt pick up any malware warning, so what ever it was probably was attached to a photo someone has added on your site and now its been removed, but what I…"
Sep 20, 2024
Vlada left a comment for Vlada
"Oh sorry I didn't get a notification for your comment Lady not till just now when replying to Eva's 03 discussion post, so you can blame 03 format for that also, and I cant add a smiley or photo or anything either, there is not top bar in this…"
Sep 19, 2024
Vlada left a comment for Vlada
"Ghod I didn't even get that comment notification till just now on Eva's 03 format discussion, sorry bout that you can blame Ning 03..cant give you a thumbs up or a wink or any photo in this comment either there is no longer a top bar to do that, so…"
Sep 19, 2024
Vlada replied to Eva's discussion
Ning 3.0 is antisocial!
"Oh Eva thanks for this post,... Yeah Ning 03 sucks big time alright!!, you get no notifications on anything posted,or that your following,or groups that have been added, you might get a random notification every so often,.. even if youve set your…"
Sep 19, 2024
Vlada and Lady are now friends
Dec 3, 2023
Vlada left a comment for Margarida Maria Madruga
"Oh its basic alright,but I think you can set your page to private as I see some people here you can only see their profile if your a friend, but I wouldn't know how to set that Marigarida sorry maybe ask Ning themselves lol..shows how illiterate I…"
Jan 30, 2023
Vlada left a comment for Margarida Maria Madruga
"Ahh finally you got here,glad I helped you in that respect..maybe now your questions can be answered on here in regards to codes etc,just join the forum and ask away.:)"
Jan 26, 2023
Vlada and Margarida Maria Madruga are now friends
Jan 26, 2023
Vlada left a comment for Alex - Rosas † Negras
"Forgot I was on this site,so I havn't been here in years,so sorry for long delay in accepting your friend request lol."
Dec 24, 2022
Vlada and Alex - Rosas † Negras are now friends
NC for Hire
Dec 24, 2022

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  • Boo
  • Oh sorry I didn't get a notification for your comment Lady not till just now when replying to Eva's 03 discussion post, so you can blame 03 format for that also, and I cant add a smiley or photo or anything either, there is not top bar in this comment box, thats gone too, so my own smiley will have to do.. :o)
  • Where are you hiding young man?
  • Happy Weekend Vlada!
  • Thank you, Vlada.
  • Good Morning Vlada!
  • Thank you very much, Vlada.
    Is this the only way to send message?
    Is it public for everyone?
  • NC for Hire
    hello my friend welcome back to the world of the living
  • Thank you!  Hope your day is a wonderful one!


  • Wow So great to hear from you. I am so not well and lots going on in my life. I do hope we can catch up. I will email you with my regular email and maybe we can use messaging? I don't know why we lost touch, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the here and the now.
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