Hi all,
I've been playing around with the awesome Infinite Scroll jQuery plugin to get it to work with Ning 3.0 photos.
Tested on V1 Aloe theme and V2 Infinity theme
What does this tip do? Instead of seeing the pagination buttons at the bottom of your photos page, you'll instead get the next page of photos automatically loading below those already there.
Here's what you need to do:
1) Load the jquery.infinitescroll.min.js on your site by adding the following code to Social Site Manager > Custom Code > End of Page code
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/956929?profile=original"></script>
2) Go to Social Site Manager > Sites & Pages and select your Photo content instance. Open the Below Header HTML box and insert the following code, depending on which Design Studio theme version you're using:
Click to Enlarge
<script type="text/javascript">
xg.addOnRequire(function () {
x$(document).ready(function() {
x$('.matrix .row .span:has(.matrix-itemFrame)').addClass('photoListPage-entry');
var curPage = 1;
var pagesNum = x$(".pagination").find(".pagination-number.pagination-last").text(); // Number of pages
x$('.photoListPage .matrix .row').infinitescroll({
navSelector : ".pagination",
// selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
nextSelector : ".pagination-next",
// selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
itemSelector : ".matrix .row .span",
// selector for all items you'll retrieve
loading: {
img: "https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/557270?profile=original",
msgText: "Loading more photos ..."
},function() { // Optional callback when new content is successfully loaded
if(curPage == pagesNum) {
} else {}
VERSION 2 theme
<script type="text/javascript">
xg.addOnRequire(function () {
x$(document).ready(function() {
var curPage = 1;
var pagesNum = x$(".pagination").find(".pagination-number.pagination-last").text(); // Number of pages
x$('.grid-frame.sheet ul.matrix.row').infinitescroll({
navSelector : ".pagination",
// selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
nextSelector : ".pagination-next",
// selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
itemSelector : ".photoListPage-entry",
// selector for all items you'll retrieve
loading: {
img: "https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/557270?profile=original",
msgText: "Loading more photos ..."
},function() { // Optional callback when new content is successfully loaded
if(curPage == pagesNum) {
} else {}
3) Now add this css in the Design Studio Custom CSS (this positions the loading gif) - both V1 and V2 of Design studio:
#infscr-loading {
margin: 20px;
text-align: center;
See it in action here (on my messy sandbox site - sorry!)
i) The method i've used here adds script to the 'Below Header Ad' box in order to get round the fact that photo pages no longer have a standard Body class css selector (i.e. it's determined by your page name). I wanted this to work for everyone. However, you can include the script in the End of Page code by targeting the photo page specific body class selectors should you wish to avoid adding it in the below header ad box.
ii) The documentation on the Infinite Scroll jQuery plugin site is patchy to say the least. Much of it is outdated.
iii) You can change the loading gif image and the text that accompanies it by altering the following code as it appears above:
loading: {
img: "https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/557270?profile=original",
msgText: "Loading more photos ..."
Thank you both, I had a feeling that would be the answer. OK here is a puzzle then...
1 PHOTO Module on the site.
1 PHOTO landing page without module title visible etc, a clean welcome to the site focusing eyes on Featured photos and with infinite scroll...
1 PHOTO page that is normal where the user can click featured or not featured and it shows the module title at the top
only way i can possibly think of is
create a photo page
masrk it as home page
2 colum layout photos in large column w inf scroll
welcome message in small column
now when you feature a photo.. save it upload it to this new page wich only alows admin uploads.. problem here is that if u alow commenting the coments will be seperate from the ones on the reg featured pagesd
but since u cant mark the featured photos themselves as the home page this is the only option that i can think of
..its possible u maybe able to figure out an iframne oiption im not sure if that will work tho
but ive been puzzling over your situation since ui mentioned it (while doing 10 other things) and thats about all i can think of
OK gentleman, I have a riddle....
We have the code currently on our sandbox site, we have pages and pages, hundreds of them for Featured Photos... however the script "reaches the end" after just a few pages, help?
Also can I have it open a click of an image in a new tab? The logic behind this is that when a user clicks BACK it doesn't take them where the scrolling left off, it goes to the very top again.
i removed it for 2 reasons 1 often it wouldnt scroll till i scrolled way beyond where it should and 2 often u might want to look for a specific pic that u knows on page 3 or 4 or 30 or 40 so the pagination helps u find things
Can we have it open clicked images in a new tab? The logic behind this is that when a user clicks BACK it doesn't take them where the scrolling left off, it goes to the very top again.
Thanks for the code! The version2 theme worked in my Ning 3 network for photos and videos modules. I tried in groups module but it didn't work, is there a code to work in groups module (list of groups)?
I found out for groups! Groups are loading automaticatlly on scroll!
In itemSelector you need to change the class:
itemSelector : ".groupHub-group",
// selector for all items you'll retrieve