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Ning API release

I was wondering if we could have an update on the position of the API release. I know there are many issues going on and one thing may rely on the other but I wanted to know if this will be a this Year, this quarter, Next year update.

With a true hard lined answer we can make provisions accordingly, as some of us cannot move without this.


(of course im asking because I am dying to use the old wordpress plugin on my 3.0 site.)

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  • Hi there!

    Thanks for the question.

    Right now the work on API is on pause, however, it's still in our plans. Also, management has mentioned that in this quarter API won't be unpaused.

    So basically I think that it would be released only next year.

    Sorry for any inconveniences.

    Best regards,

    Ning Team.

    • Thank you for the honest answer, I will see what i can do about making a work around. And at least my mind will not be on this topic till then.

      Well wait touch on one more topic for me in the same lane. Earlier you had asked about integrations that we as creators wanted. Is this an active element being worked on and is wordpress on that list?

      I ask because if this is released before API Access then all will be ok in my book.

      Thank you for your response.

      • Hi there!

        Thanks for the question.

        We don't want to make fast decision in this situation, as there is already a plan for Q3 and we are in the middle of it the chance that there would be any changes is really low (I have meant the changes in Q3 plan of course) so we would like to use that time in order to gather as many feedback as we could to have higher chances of making right decision regarding integration of the services that were mentioned here.

        So at this point, the decision hasn't been made yet.

        Best regards,

        Ning Team.

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