I added another item to the top of my stack of issues awaiting a fix this week.
Worst of all, it's now not possible to upload images to the Photos ara of the website. I get the following message:
I double-checked that it wasn't an issue with the particular image by unsuccessfully attempting to upload an image that i'd successfully added as an inline attachment to a forum post just half an hour presviously. I got the same message as above.
Additionally, I've started noticing images sometimes get rotated when added inline to forum posts. After being fobbed off twice with the excuse that it's just the internet and the issue is wider than just Ning, I worked out that if an image dimension is wider that the width of the text space (in the case th 750px of my forum posts), it may someties rotate. It can be fixedf by reducing the image size.
This didn't seem to happen prior to Ning changing their storage server tihs year. Personally, I can live with it. But I don't expect my members to have to. It's just another disincentive for members to engage.
The ingteraction with Support wasn't smooth. After eight mesaages with then on the first issue, the outcome was the now standard, "We have escalated the issue to the tech team for further investigations.". For the secons issue, after also eight messages, I got a variant probably more honestly promised only to try and avhieve a fix, "We will try to investigate the case for you and you will be notified as soon as we have an answer."
At one pont, I'd have felt reassured that the issues would now be fixed. However, as evidenced by the number of issues still waiting for a fix following simillar reassurances,, I now only see these messages as a sign that more dust will be gatherig on yet more problem reports.
The image below shows on this site if you enter an incorect url. Recent experience leaves me tempted to conclude that this is a picture of the support team sharing the latest crop of problem reports:
Wow.....not sure what is going on...
Hello Hugh!
The issue with photo upload is already in the process of solving, so I believe the fix can be expected soon.
Unfortunately, the second case is still under investigation, so I don't have any details yet. Elizabeth will keep you updated as she promised.
Please accept my apologies for the inconveniences.
Best regards,
The NING Team
Thanks Anastasia. I do hope you're able to get a fix soon.
(By the way, I never get any notifications of reposnes to posts on this site. Is that by design or is there a problem?)
According to your notification settings here, you should receive emails regarding new comments on the content you have added. Do you receive any kind of notifications from creators.ning.com?
Looking forward to your reply!
Bets regards,
The NING Team
I got one for your reply now, but that's the first in a long time. You say dem some dem magic words, missy?
I did nothing except for checking on your notification settings. Is there any chance that some of the notifications went to spam folder?
Best regards,
The NING Team
No, I check my spam folder on my domian hosts pretty regularly. It definitely wasn't a junk issue. But ever since your first reply above, I've suddenly started getting notifications. Hey, it's how things should be working. I'm not complaining!
In this case, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope it stays that way :)
Best regards,
The NING Team
Should anyone else stumble across this thread when looking for an answer about randomly rotated photos added to forum posts, below is the final response from Ning earlier today:
In other words, Ning know that photos sometimes rotate, but they're not planning any fix.
This issue is not at the top of my fix wishlist, but it's just another straw straining to break the camel's back of member engagement.
I've been waiting 2 weeks to have a fix for attaching files to replies. It just shows a "There's a problem with this ..." message after and no attachment of the file to the reply .
It's frustrating because I've had to communicate and explain the problem several times and always get - "we're working on it". Nobody can be working on it ........... Considering a move.