My members have been having a discussion about site loading speed for our network
Some members are saying that the site appears to be getting slower and slower.
Short of removing content I eon't see a way for us creators to optimise our sites.
Has anyone got any suggestions?
Can Ning help do it for us?
No one else having this problem?
Ning, care to make a comment?
Hi Philip,
I have run the speed test of your network here
As you may see from the screenshot the loading speed of the site, based on this tool is just 3.89s for while the page size is 6.2MB. If you run the test on Pingdom yourself there also would be the full description of how long each part of the site was loading. Based on the results I can say that 91% of the page size taken by pictures, so if you wish to reduce the loading speed you can resize or remove several pictures.
However, it's also possible that the loading speed of the site is worse at some locations ( unfortunately Pingdom doesn't let you test load speed from a wide amount of the locations), so in order to see if there is an issue you should do next.
1. Please open developer's tools in your browser ("F12" key for Firefox or Chrome)
2. Open the Networks tab
3. Reload the page with the Networks tab opened basically you would also see how long does it take to load elements of your network and the time needed to load the whole site
4. Send us the screenshot of the networks tab.
Also, it would be great if some of the members who have been complaining regarding the load speed would run the same test and share their results with us.
Looking forward to see the results from your end.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Nice site, Philip. It's really impressive, pro all the way.
My site, on Ning 2, was very slow at posting, messaging, and approving members for about a month until a few weeks ago. It's fine now. Call or write them and let them know. I usually call.
These folks try hard, and I've become increasingly impressed with them.