Does anyone know how to get the number of views to appear on a photo? We had this on N2 but I just migrated over to N3 and I'm now discovering it's not there anymore.
I see it on Videos but not for Photos 😣
This is kinda crucial to my site.
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Does anyone know how to get the number of views to appear on a photo? We had this on N2 but I just migrated over to N3 and I'm now discovering it's not there anymore.
I see it on Videos but not for Photos 😣
This is kinda crucial to my site.
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In the back end on the Photos tab in Sites and Pages I believe all you have to do is check the box for view counter... no?
No it's not available for photos only blogs, articles and forums. The videos already had it incorparated when they added the videos section.
Ha, I found the counter on the videos right after I posted this. It was so small I didn't see it. 😵
Hopefully Ning gets it together and adds it in there for our Photos too. It would make it easy to see what's popular since they don't even have the Most Popular feature on N3 either.
If you want the views to be bigger you can do this with css, change the font size for bigger or smaller
.videoListPage-metaViews > a{ font-size:16px }
If you prefer to have the word Views instead of the small eye you can add this css as well
.videoListPage-metaViews > a::before{content:"Views";display:inline-block; }
/*remove eye */
.videoListPage-metaViews .icon{ display:none }