Some time back I posted how to show if something has been featured on your pages, the issue was that if you feature something the text did not reflect that so you could easily un-feature something.
Here is the link to that post: Showing if a post has been featured for admins
Now here is another tip to show how you can change the text for our drop down items in events and profiles, bu the way you will notice in the demo images my drop down list is not gray and has been changed, I will be posting a seperate tip of how to do that.
Here are two demo images showing the change
Events Dropdown showing this event has been featured already
And here is a members profile page which has been featured
So here is the code to do this
First we add some custom code to the site&pages custom code end of page section. You will notice in the code a class is being added to the events detail page so we can make the adjustments in our css.
The first line is just using some standard Featured text for any other drop downs
The second line changes the Feature text to Event Featured for events
The third line changes the Feature text to Profile is Featured for profile pages that have been featured
// Set the drop down text for events featured and profiles featured
x$('.eventDetail').text('Event Featured');
x$('.profileCoverArea-actions').text('Profile is Featured');
Here is some optional css if you want that item to stand out by addinf some colour to it as you see in the above demo images. This you would add to your design studio custom css, change the colours to fit your site
darkblue is the background colour color is the text colour.
.eventDetail{ background-color:darkblue;color:white; border-radius:4px }
.profileCoverArea-actions{ background-color:darkblue;color:white; border-radius:4px }