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NC for Hire

if you've ever built a Ning Landing Page for your community, you know it is a tedious task, only rewarding when the stars align.   It's hard work to be constantly aware of it's quirks (if you know them, through trial and error error error), but when you do manage to squeeze out something beautiful, you are definitely proud of it.  Please show me your landing pages and tell me if you've found any interesting quirks worth knowing:




I have a few helpful tips on using the Landing Pages and quirks of note,

such as..

  • when making any change to any part of the HTML/CSS/JS watch the blue progress bar completely disappear into the right or screen before making another change
  • the annoying <-----BACK TO  button on top left and how to remove it..
  • how CSS style sheets might suddenly disappear

but I will save those for another post, depending on the response to this one.

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  • Looks good JF, i've not really used it myself, took a look but just find it easier and more controllable to use a custom page and couple ines off css to remove the navbar and ning bar so it's a clean page. Can then do what I want with it with few bits bits of code. Will take a look though and see if can make one up using the builder.

    Not usre how much response you will get from the forum as it's virtually non existent, not like the old days with lot's of action, even Ning don't post anymore and not heard a peep out of them, to be honest not even sure they are working on the platform anymore.

    • NC for Hire

      Agreed and agreed...  these days not really expecting much from the forum...but i sure appreciate you Bizz..


      • Thanks Justin, glad to see a few of us still about though. I'm just quietly messing about and trying new things with my sites, just been adding a new way to add profile themes without adding any questions in the sign up, it's 99% done and is live on the site if you want to try it out, go to your profile page and on the right you will see the buttons, also the blog page containing the list of themes also have copy buttons to copy the theme code as well. Next is to continue on my theme builder so members can choose backgrounds, colours, etc.


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