I was finding the placement of the About/Join box inside groups to be difficult for members to find if they were new to the community. So I decided to move mine above the banner box with a single line of code added to the Custom Code Bottom section. Simply add the following code and your About/Join module will move to the top on all groups.
I find that group pages with a About/Join section which shows ONLY TO NONMEMBERS is best because it disappears after they Follow the Group.
Let me know if you have any questions and if you need help with your community, by all means reach out to me. Happy to help!
Thank you very much, I've been waiting for this for a long time ... the result is great ... attached url in case you want to see it.
Your welcome Fernando, glad could help
Bizz :-)
I believe this tip would also be great combind with your What New Module tip and make it open on top of the screen similarly..
Fernando you could add this bit off code which removes the add comment section if not a group member. The code goes in your Social Site Builder Custom Code End Of Page Section
x$('.aboutGroupSection .pull-right').closest('body').addClass('nonGMember' );
x$('.nonGMember .addCommentContainer').remove();
Thank you for this code but ... If a visitor does not see the wall to write, they are never encouraged to register and write.
I think it should be very clear to the visitor that they have to register to participate and contribute.
Ok no worries, here is another version which gives the non group member a message. You can alter the text in the alert section if you want.
x$('.aboutGroupSection .pull-right').closest('body').addClass('nonGMember' );
x$('.nonGMember .addCommentContainer').remove();
if( x$('body').hasClass('nonGMember') ) {
alert("You need to be a group member to add comments or participate, click the Join Us button to join the group");
I got the message once in a group, it works fine, but it has not come out again in any group where I am not a member xD
hmm ok, I tried it out on multiple groups going back and forth bewtween them and always got the message.
Ok will try something another way for you :-)
Here is another option where the message is added into the group page itself, replace the code you have with this and once again you can replace the text. Also have included some css so you can edit that as well for it's colour etc. Below is an image of how it will look
Here is the custom code to replace the code you already added
x$('<div class="nonGroupMember">You need to be a group member to add comments or participate, click the Join Us button to join the group</>').insertBefore('.aboutGroupSection').hide();
x$('.aboutGroupSection .pull-right').closest('body').addClass('nonGMember' );
if( x$('body').hasClass('nonGMember') ) {
x$('.nonGMember .addCommentContainer').remove();
And here is the css to go in your design studio
Width: 100%;
display: block;
text-align: center;
font-size: 20px;
background-color: royalblue;
color: white;
padding: 20px;
I like this one and it always works but ... could it be shown above the comment wall? The first thing you see on my website is the comment wall ... or for example, could it be seen under the web menu?
here a screenshot of a group from my website