I was finding the placement of the About/Join box inside groups to be difficult for members to find if they were new to the community. So I decided to move mine above the banner box with a single line of code added to the Custom Code Bottom section. Simply add the following code and your About/Join module will move to the top on all groups.
I find that group pages with a About/Join section which shows ONLY TO NONMEMBERS is best because it disappears after they Follow the Group.
Let me know if you have any questions and if you need help with your community, by all means reach out to me. Happy to help!
Here you go, just replace the first line of code with this or just edit the part at the end after the insert before and change it to .section-commentWall. Be aware not to leave out the quotation marks ie these ' '
x$('<div class="nonGroupMember">You need to be a group member to add comments or participate, click the Join Us button to join the group</>').insertBefore('.section-commentWall').hide();
It is spectacular ... thank you very much.
Your most welcome Fernando, glad could help :-)
Bizz you are the glue holding this community together. Sometimes I try to be glue but every now and then I feel like masking tape when you make my suggestion 10X better... Thanks for the assist buddy! I/ we appreciate you!
i am a fan of both
thank you so much for sharing ... i can't understand where the codes go i can have a photo..thanks in advance ⚡JFarrow⌁
it goes in your Custom Code section of the backend in the bottom box... hope this helps
thank you very much you have been very kind
I would like to move the "follow" box from the bottom of the page to just under the comment wall box, like in the Ning 2 platform. Is there a code to do that?
Could be done, do you have an image to show which follow and where you want it ?