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In Firefox and Chrome the browser's inline spell checker works in the title box but not in the text box on our new 3.0 website for all text editing (the same thing happens here in this post). Spell check works fine on our old 2.0 website.

Is there a fix for this? An upcoming update?

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  • NC for Hire

    you can specify me with a photo, for help you, I can't understand your problem

  • In the jpg below I mispelled the word "test" as "tesw" in the Title Box and the browser's spell check underlined the mispelled word in red. I then intentionally mispelled the word "test" as "tesw" again in the text box and the browser's spell check did not under line the mispelled word, nor will the right click menu show an option to turn on the spell checker (also note that in this forum's text box the browser's spell checker doesn't work either).

    I suspect this is caused by the browser seeing the text box as a frame, not as a standard element.


  • PS: On my Apple iPad spell check works fine.


    • NC for Hire

      spell check does not exist for a browser to the box, never noticed this option, if it exists it would be perfect, sorry but I can't help you, hope our friend Bizz  has an idea

      • I don't know if this is something that can be fixed by Ning or if the software gurus for the browser creators need to do something on their end, but for the moment I found a work around. I found that the browser spell checker works if I switch to the HTML editor mode.


        • I posted this question in Mozilla's support forum and someone responded with this comment/hint:

          "A webpage can disable the Firefox spell checker via a spellcheck="false" attribute of an input field or textarea or editable element and possibly provide its own spelling checker.
          You can right-click in the text area or input field and use "Inspect Element" to check in the Inspector if this text area has a spellcheck="false" attribute.
          You can remove this spellcheck="false" attribute or change it to spellcheck="true" via a double-click or via "Edit As HTML" to make the "Check Spelling" item in the right-click context menu reappear.
          Also make sure that the correct dictionary is selected in the Languages sub menu."

          When I look at a discussion entry webpage I found this: <body id="tinymce" class="mce-content-body theme-982" data-id="description" spellcheck="false" contenteditable="true"><p>tesw</p></body>

          Which appears to me to be turning off the spell check fuctionality on that page The same code appears on this page and spell check functionality is also turned off in this forum's reply text box.

          I can temporarily change this functionality by following the instructions in the comment above, but that's not a permenant fix as it changes back to as programmed is I reload the page. I'm assuming that this issue needs fixed by Ning or maybe there is a way to add a css code to the site?

  • A "guru" on Mozilla's Support Forum is suggesting using a bookmarklet as a way around the no spell check code. So far what he's telling me reads like ancient Greek, but if I ever figure it out I'll post the results (and hopefully a work around) in this thread.

  •  cor-el on the Mozilla support forums provided the following code to create a bookmarklet which activates Firefox's spell checker (apparently works on all Ning 3.0 sites because I'm using it here as I type this) :


    In order to post the code I had to seperate it into two sections. It is all one line with "Attribute" being next to "set" with no spaces. Then I found this YouTube video: JavaScript Bookmarklets Tutorial - How to create bookmarklet, amend...
    where the "bloke" from the UK explains how to write the code (all Greek to me) and then provides a link to a utility that will create a bookmarklet to add to your browser: Bookmarklet Maker

    I created and pasted it to my bookmarks and now I can turn on spell check. :)

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