Over the years, many Ning Creators have asked me the best way to build a directory for their community. True, you can build it inside your community using Ning but you may not want the public to come into your community to find listings. Take for example this Directory of USA Land Surveying Companies. I'm not interested in having the public join my community in order to find a land surveyor for hire so what I did was built it outside of the community using Hellobox.co and import the feeds ....
Then, what I did was import the RSS feeds from the USA Directory into my Community.
I also have a Land Surveyor Jobs Board which I do the same with. I also have a Virtual Mall, which I do the same with. Just a few Ideas to try if you are looking to build a directory.
Opposite Trick/ Tip
Wanna know why more people don't post free tips anymore? It is because posts like this get over 200 views in 2 days and no one comments or even say anything at all. If you guys want to build a community, this is your place to practice engaging. If you can't engage here, how do you expect to build an active community?