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NC for Hire

If you are looking for a way to push RSS feeds from your Ning Community into a custom tab on your facebook page, this is the perfect combination, using just 2 apps.  This should take you between 10-15 minutes to get perfect.  Here we go....

First go to and click the HTML Tab - it will open in a new tab where you will choose the page you want to add it to.  Add it to the page.

Second, go to RSS ground and create an account (read my review of RSSGround here) This account will allow you to do things like autopost to Facebook, Twitter, G+, Linkedin etc but for this tutorial we willl be creating a RSS content widget

                                So after setting up your account, go to the RSS Content Widget page and add your RSS URLs to the list...this will allow you to mix your feed contents.  (helpful links at bottom of this                                     post to find your RSS feeds)

Thirdly set up your widget and customize it how you like and then grab the code that you generated - copy it.

Fourthly, now go back to your Facebook page and find the tab that says HTML Tab and click it. Now click on Application Settings and It will look something like this:

(Note for this example/demo I have pulled feeds for equipment for sale for members of my community and pulled them into a custom tab on this page)

Fifthly, remove all code inside the HTML and CSS boxes and then paste your code generated for your widget that you copied into the HTML box and save.

               When you first do this it will look like a broken box, but when you refresh the page tab it will render for you and then there is only one last step.

Sixthly, go to the SETTINGS of the page and then to the Templates and Tabs section of the backend.   Scroll all the way to the bottom and find the HTML tab.  Change the settings and change the name of the tab and then drag it to the top of other tabs.

Now go back to your page and enjoy or adjust your work.   Congrats!  You have now added a custom tab to your facebook page which pulls the latest items inside any of your RSS feeds..

I've built 6 or 8 of these if you are interested in more examples...


Now.. where to find your RSS feeds.  Here are some posts in the past about things you can do with RSS feeds inside your community.

Time Saver: Your RSS Feeds for Location Tags on Ning

How to Find the Perfect RSS Feeds for your Community

How To Get RSS Feeds From Google +

You May Not Know This About Facebook

TIP: How to Automagically Change Text Locations into Maps

Trick: How to Add Related Photos, Forum Posts and Blogs Widget


As always feel free to reach out if you need help with your Ning Community..happy to help!

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  • NC for Hire

    It seems like the only way people respond to posts inside this community anymore is if it is a complaint.   I will not post anymore tips until people respond.     This tip has been read 172 times and no reaction.....let's work harder to make the creators forum a community again.  Right isn't.

    • I feel you dear. First, thanks so much for your tips. Usually I am better at showing gratitude and I'll work harder on it, promise.

      I tried this one ... was all excited and followed the link. I added it to the pages that I wanted, only to get this:


      Can you advise? Thanks!



      • NC for Hire

        No problem edie... i just wish people were more positive...because positivity breeds know...

        as for your issue.... if your page has less than 25 followers/likes then you'll see this type of error..

        If your page has attribution and cross posting turned off then you will see this error...

        and also if your page is a Video template this error will show... that is my experience... if you share with me the link to your page I'll inspect to see if there might be another reason for the error... thanks for mentioning this...

        • I keep checking since I left the links. Were you able to see anything I need to correct? I looked at the areas you highlighted as well. Thanks! cc: JFarrow.



          • NC for Hire

            Terrific.. ill take a harder look a little later tonight... thanks for sharing.. 


            btw... i have a bunch more tips you might like inside this group


            talk soon

            Ning Powered Events
            This is where Creators get together to share advice and tips about growing their Ning Social Networks.
            • Oooo.. thank you. I am on my way to check those out. Looking forward to talking to you soon.

  • NC for Hire

    Thanks for sharing this :-)

  • I'm just setting up my Ning 3 barely needed to go here until now. There is a lot here that I can use. Thank you very much.

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