As I understand things, the original team sold Ning to Glam/Mode. Mode then failed, and its resources were apparently snapped up at bargain basement rates by BrideClick.
Around the time of the Mode's failure, Ning had made an announcement that their day-to-day operations were going to be taken on by Cyndex, but no one seems sure what if that eventually happened or not.
I can't find anywhere on the web where someone claims ownership of Ning. Am I just searching ineffectively or has it just become a big embarassment?
I'd like to know to whom I'm paying hundreds of dollars each year. Does anyone know?
By the way, in my first draft of the comment above, I added another sentence with an emoji. It wouldn’t post. Are emojis blocked as well?
speaking as another site owner? We've never been able to post emoji's - not from any device.
Yes, I run a site in the UK. I used to have some that ran off custom code. They worked fine. I deleted the code by accident and can’t find it to put it back!
I do believe Ning is currently being run by some people in the Ukraine. They may have previously worked for Ning in some capacity, possibly as part of a team of outsourced engineers or employees?, but I'm not sure about that. Kyryl or Anastasia could enlighten us all. I think it's very reasonable to want to know where or to who your money is going, month after month or year after year.
Here is link to the Oct-2016 acquisition announcement that Ananstasia referenced:
Thank you!
and information on the actual OWNERS of Ning - - PSCP Holdings Limited