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Google says my ning network

 is not a secure site to visit. Passwords and credit card information can be stolen. Why is this so? I thought all Ning networks are secure. It also says 26 cookies are in use to track all information.

This warning from google is driving traffic away from my site. 

Even my anti-virus sometimes warns me about the site. I will have to opt for exemption to visit it. 

What should I do to make my network secure?

Can someone from Ning answer my question?

Can other Ning creators tell me do they face similar warnings from google?


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  • Hello I need help with the SSL certificate. Can you help me? Please install the free certificate.

    Web - 

    Jeanette Delgado

    • Hello,

      We already activated the SSL certificate for you. 

      At this very moment, you have a mixed content issue on the site. It means that some pictures were uploaded via the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS. Our developer will check this for you.

      Best regards,

      Customer Support 

      • 2280541134?profile=RESIZE_710xHello 

        I can not access my webpage.


        • Hello,

          We will investigate this with the Technical Team.

          The SSL certificate will be activated on our side. We do apologize for keeping you waiting.

          Best regards,

          The Ning Team 

  • I'm needing the second option of the free LetsEncrypt for my site and hoping it's still available. My site is


    Game Fix
    We host a weekly video game podcast which we stream live Mondays at 8:30pm (est)via
  • Hello. I'm a little late to the party but I just realized I need to secure my 2.0 Network please. Can someone help me out with this?

    My site is

    Thanks so much!


  • What Ning did worked for sometime but again, my antivirus is alerting me that it is not a safe site! What should I do now?

    • I've noticed the video social channel on my site isn't secure on all platforms don't know why that is but all other page's are fine..🤷🏽‍♂️

This reply was deleted.

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