Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.





San Francisco, CA


October 1

What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?

I used to be a product manager on the Ning Team, now I'm just a fan!

Kinga Incze replied to Nick Barr's discussion
Updates on revamped Activity Feed and other Main Page improvements
" Hi, I'm a new nc and just looking for like and comment functions for the feed. How is it possible? Thanks"
Apr 8, 2020

Comment Wall

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  • Hi Nick, I'd like to be added to the notifications for when there is another design contest. Thank you!

  • nice one Nick 

  • Greetings Nick,
    I know this sounds incredibly petty, and I apologize for that I really am not that petty just frustrated.  I got to wonder why it is that Ning is completely ignoring me, lol I am sure it is nothing personal and probably just a fluke and timing?  Especially when you guys and gals just released new pricing and an upgraded active feed not everyone is warming up to.  I mean yeah I have a small site with only about 180 some odd members, but I pay every month like everyone else does and my site does have potential to become bigger with out a doubt.  I sent a response with issues that we are having on our site last Friday through my on site support link, I did get a prompt response back which I was grateful for, but it didn't cover all of the problems or for that matter help with the problems we were having.  I have sent responses back three separate times since and have not heard from anyone.  It is quite possible I am just not doing this right.  Whatever the problem might be I need help.  Perhaps you could point me in the right direction?  Tell me maybe what I might be doing worng?  I would really appreciate it. I apologize for the small font... 

  • Not a problem Nick, just trying to give back!
  • Red Ribbon
  • Show, eu estou fazendo o marketing de vocês, é o melhor que já vi parabéns, pretendo um dia pagar na melhor condição, posso chegar ater mais de 3000 participantes em um ano.


    Carlos Alberto Lopes




  • Thanks Nick and I'm Very Passionate About My Choice! :)
  • NC for Hire

    But of course, they're there now. So I get to look like a goof! LOL!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  • NC for Hire

    Hi Nick,

    Just writing to let you know, I entered 2-3 status updates, they showed up fine, until I refreshed my screen. Then they disappeared.

    Great job!



  • can u tell me how to make ning 4 column?
This reply was deleted.


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