Hi Friends,
Many of you have used my free code for Infinite Scroll of Latest Activity on Ning 2. I have ported it to Ning 3. Still free.
Add the code to your custom code box and when your Members scroll to the end of the Latest Activity, the More button disappears and more Latest Activity items load automatically.
The code for Ning 2 and Ning 3 is here:
If you have any questions or feedback, please post there.
Thanks and Best Wishes!
Hi TJ, awesome tip. Thanks for sharing it.
This and your "Friends Only Feed" (probably the one of the best Ning mods in a long time) are very welcome and appreciated.
You are really providing a service to all NCs on 2.0 and 3.0 in a way that Ning hasn't been able to replicate. You deserve the support of the community as much if not more than Ning does. Great job!