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301 Redirect to Subdomain

Does anyone know the best way to redirect our mysite.ning to a subdomain (community.). I already have a domain/website called I need to point so that it points to 

Currently I have www.surfershot.ning pointing to (notice the dash). Then I have the site meshed with another (non-ning) site called (notice no dash). Instead, I want to make my ning site point to a subdomain (community.) so that it will be

Also would there be any SEO altercations? 

FYI, it's a N2 site if that makes any difference. 

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  • NC for Hire

    well, both www and community would be subdomains so may not work...haven't seen too many double subdomains before..  if I were you I would move everything to cloudflare and manage the DNS you get a free SSL certificate... ill think on this some more

    • Oh, I didn't realize that www is actually considered subdomain. I've got no problem dropping the www and just go for community instead. Is what I want to do still possible then?

  • I beleive I may have this figured out. Dashboard > Tools > Domain Mapping. Then in the text box for Alternet Domain 1 I write over the top of "" with "". 

    Then go over to my domain host for (Godaddy) DNS panel and create an A record with the Name "community" and point it to Nings IP address. 

    I haven't pull the plug yet. I'm hoping Ning will chime in on this and also tell me were I would find Nings IP address. 

  • I have figured this out and created a new thread for it over at:

    301 Redirect .ning to Subdomain and Keep SEO
    In this example I will be using "community" as the subdomain. This will also carry over all your SEO and continue useing second-level domain and subd…
This reply was deleted.

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