Floating Home Button: This is a simple little tip. =) In the past I had a home button installed in a bottom menu bar (JenBar) that was always visible, even when the Menu Navigation wasn't. The bar wasn't good for the new JenSocial Design, so I lost the button. When I'm working on my own site, it bugs me when I have to scroll up page to access the Home Page. I decided to add a floating "home" button with link to the home page.
Installation Instructions:
- If you would like to do the same, copy and paste the following code into your Custom Code Box via: My Network/Tools/Custom Code.
- The script will remove the button from the actual home page.
- Oops! You will need to copy code from the following text file. I forgot the platform strips position:fixed, and changes to xg-p:fixed.
- homebutton.txt
Code Below for Overview - - use homebutton.txt for your copy/paste.
<div class="jenhome"><a href="/" title="Home"><img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/11387819?profile=original" alt="Home" style="z-index:999;xg-p:fixed;top:208px;right:0px;"></a></div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
if (x$("div.xg_widget_main_index_index").length > 0) {
For more Ning Tips & Tricks, check out JenSocial. You'll find a ton of great tips under archived Ning Tips, too.
thanks Jen
thanx modified it just watching you write code learning experience always... !
like adding style="border-radius: " to images box-shadow etc... DANG !!!
Good deal!
Did you make sure you used text file for the code? Make sure the xg-p:fixed; uses "position:fixed;", without the quotes.
I need to see the live code. Link?
@Armani, Looks very nice.
Good work jen
Happy you like it - - an easy breezy one. =)
I sent a pm.
This is great - thanks Jen :)