This is a very simple tip on how to add links in one row, to the top of your site (Top of Ning Bar or Top of Site). You will need to know how to write some HTML, as in how to create hyperlinks. And ideally, if you know how to add links to images, you can add links/icons across the top of your pages.
- Create regular hyperlinks with the HREF tag: <a href="yourlink.html">Link Name or Image Goes Here</a>
- Replace the code below with your hyperlinks and images.
- Tweak the DIV position by adjusting the right:425px, in code below.
- Add to your Custom Code Box, so your links will be displayed across your entire site.
- My HREF tags in first example include an image and text.
- The second example contains 2 icons/links for Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to use the icons.
- Critical Notes - - All you're doing is floating a DIV a set number of pixels from the top and the right side of your site, using the position parameter.
- Your links will be displayed in a different location on different screen resolutions. Be sure to test on 1024 by 768.
- This can also be done using script and CSS, and you don't have to be concerned with the different screen resolutions - - like you do when using "position". The method I'm showing you is just the simple and quick method.
- Also, don't add many links if you have any other content at the top of your site. If you do, you are very likely to cover up other content, when a user is on a different screen resolution. And you won't know it. This is why I urge you to always check your code in several browsers and resolutions.
On a Ning Network, the code in the Custom Code Box loads last. So, if you want these links to load first - - add to a text box in right column (upper Grid) to display on all pages.
******* REMOVE the space after the p in the word position, or use attached code. For Security reasons, these Ning boxes convert the position to an unusable code. *******
<div style="p osition:absolute;right:425px;top:0px;"><a style="padding-right:5px;" target="_parent" href=""/><img src=""></a> <a href="" style="padding-right:10px;color:#CC0000">Ning Tips</a> <a style="background-image:none;padding-right:5px;" target="_parent" href=""/><img src=""></a><a href="" style="padding-right:10px;color:#CC0000">Social Network Directory</a> <a style="padding-right:5px;" target="_parent" href=""/><img src=""></a> <a href="" style="padding-right:10px;color:#CC0000">Leaderboard</a></div>
EXAMPLE #2: (Twitter and Facebook icons)
<div style="p osition:absolute;right:425px;top:0px;"><a style="padding-right:5px;" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Visit Us On Facebook"></a><a style="padding-right:5px;" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Follow Us On Twitter"></a></div>
I have also attached the code in text files.
Have a nice evening and thanks again,
Maybe you could point me in the right direction on something. How did you get the images to the right of your logo below the ning bar? Could I ad an image or, better yet, an ad rotator script up there?
Any info would be much appreciated!
Why is this link here Bunga?
Thanks I just putt te icons on myn network
Jen mentions there is an easier way to do this. If anybody is curious - here's how I did it on
Note: This code assumes you have jQuery running - I think all Ning networks do by default but I can't say for certain. Also, you won't see the links when you are on the "My Network" tab, since custom code is not run on these pages.
$("#xn_bar_menu_tabs").prepend( // utility nav links (header)
'<li><a href="">YOUR LINK NAME</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="/page/about-us">About Us</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="/page/member-guidelines">Member Guidelines</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="/page/contact-us">Contact Us</a></li>' +
$("#xg_foot p.right").prepend( // footer nav links
'<a href="">YOUR LINK NAME</a> | ' +
'<a href="/page/about-us">About Us</a> | ' +
'<a href="/page/member-guidelines">Member Guidelines</a> | ' +
'<a href="/page/contact-us">Contact Us</a> | ' +
Note that the links for the footer don't use list items (<li>) but instead are separated by a space, then (non-breaking space), then a pipe symbol, then another and finally a regular character space - so that the style matches the same as the current footer in place.
The benefit here is that It automatically resizes with the user's resolution/screen size - and there's no need for additional styling - although it may not give your links the proper hover effect. That can be fixed easily.
Hi Erik,
Yeah, this tip is about 2 years old, but maybe nice for newbies. Nice clean code you provided, and nice share! You might consider adding a tip, since you've included links for the footer too.
This tip is similar:
Best Regards,