Hi there!
I guess you all aware about the last news regarding the facebook and data leak. Because of that, they are making the usage of the API more strict, that is why please check the updated instructions how the Facebook login APP should be created:
- Please follow this link to Facebook
- Please press "+Add New app" at the top right corner of the screen
- On the next screen, you should choose the name of the app, for example, you can use your network's name or something else, it doesn't matter just depends on what name would be more convenient for you in order to manage another app you have, and don't forget to enter contact email address, and press "Create App id"
- After you have filled the captcha on the left side of the screen you will see the menu. Please press "Settings" button.
- On the next screen you will see the settings of your app, however, you should take a look at the left side of the screen once again and press "Advanced". It would be located just under the "Settings" button that you have found in the previous step
- When the advanced settings would be opened please scroll down the page a little and find "Allow API Access to App Settings" and turn it on (there is the trigger just to the left from that text please click on it once to turn on). Please don't forget to save changes as well.
- Then please take a look at the menu on the left side of the screen and press "+Add product"
- On the next screen, please choose Facebook Login, and then press "www"
- In the field which is called "Site URL" please enter the following link (https://YourSubDomain.networkauth.com). And click "Save".
- Then please take a look at the menu on the left side of the page, end just under "Facebook Login" you will see the button "Settings". Please press it.
- On the screen that would be opened, please enter the same link mentioned in step 9 into the field called "Valid OAuth redirect URIs". Also using the link mentioned in step 9 as the base please add to it /connect_start (the result will look like this https://YourSubDomain.networkauth.com/facebook/connect_start or something similar), and add to the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" as well. Then add to the base /facebook/callback (the result will look like this https://YourSubDomain.networkauth.com/facebook/callback) and add to the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs".
- Please press "Settings" button, in the left menu and click "Basic" from the drop-down which will appear under "Settings" button you have just pressed.
- Please paste into the field "App Domains" the URL provided in step 9, and insert the link to your terms and conditions and the privacy policy into the appropriate fields. Those links could be obtained on teh network just follow the link in the footer of the page or change the following link https://YourSubDomain.ning.com/main/authorization/termsOfService so it would correspond to the subdomain you have registered with us. Since teh privacy policy is optional and if you haven't created one you can paste the link to the terms and conditions into the "Privacy Policy URL" field.
- Your app is almost ready, please choose "App review" from the menu on the left side of the screen and make your app public by switching on the trigger "Make name of the app public?" where "name of the app" is the name that you have chosen for your app.
- The list of items would appear and just under it, you will see the conditions that your app should fulfill in order to be submitted for the review. Click "settings" link there and upload the icon of your app, and just under the icon choose the "Business Use"
- Now your app is ready, please go to the Settings -> Basic on Facebook and you will see app id and secret you need.
- Please enter App id and app secret, and save the changes.
- The only thing left is to wait until Facebook will approve your app, and after the users will be able to use it. (this paragraph is not relevant anymore, it's related to the apps created before teh changes we have made recently on 2018-07-12)
Hope these instructions would, help.
Best wishes,
Ning team.
hello, i have tried these intrcutions to try to fix my fb login issue but i am still getting this error message when i attempt to login with faceboo, my network name is sikcell.com
"URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs."
Please help