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A while back I believe Bizz helped me out with some custom CSS code.

Here it is:

/*Fixes Groups size and fonts*/
.groupHub-group.matrix-itemFluid {max-width: 150px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupTitle > span {font-size:14px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupInfo > a{font-size:10px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupInfo{min-height: 2em;line-height: 2em;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupTitleContainer {height: auto;min-height: 2em;}
.groupHub .matrix-media-1-1{background-size: contain;background-position: center top;}
.groupHub-group.matrix-itemFluid {max-width: 150px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupTitle > span {font-size:14px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupInfo > a{font-size:10px;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupInfo{min-height: 2em;line-height: 2em;}
.section-member-groups .groupHub-groupTitleContainer {height: auto;min-height: 2em;}
.groupHub .matrix-media-1-1{background-size: contain;background-position: center top;}
.groupHub a.matrix-media-1-1{ background-color:transparent!important; box-shadow:none }
.groupHub-groupTitle { background-color:transparent }
.groupHub-groupInfo{ text-align:center }
.groupHub-groupTitle > span { color: inherit; }
.groupHub .matrix-media-1-1 {padding-bottom: 135%; box-shadow:none }
.groupList ul {
list-style-type: none!important;

Something has changed (in Ning, CSS, Windows?) and now the title block, which is supposed to be transparent, is now a grey box, and it woud be nice if the posistion of the text in the text box was below the picture (if that's even possible).
Any help will be appreciated.

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  • Oops, I didn't post the whole script. here is the rest:

    .groupList-group.matrix-itemFluid {max-width: 150px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupTitle > span {font-size:14px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupInfo > a{font-size:10px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupInfo{min-height: 2em;line-height: 2em;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupTitleContainer {height: auto;min-height: 2em;}
    .groupList .matrix-media-1-1{background-size: contain;background-position: center top;}
    .groupList-group.matrix-itemFluid {max-width: 150px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupTitle > span {font-size:14px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupInfo > a{font-size:10px;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupInfo{min-height: 2em;line-height: 2em;}
    .section-member-groups .groupList-groupTitleContainer {height: auto;min-height: 2em;}
    .groupList .matrix-media-1-1{background-size: contain;background-position: center top;}
    .groupList a.matrix-media-1-1{ background-color:transparent!important; box-shadow:none }
    .groupList-groupTitle { background-color:transparent }
    .groupList-groupInfo{ text-align:center }
    .groupList-groupTitle > span { color: inherit; }
    .groupList .matrix-media-1-1 {padding-bottom: 120%; box-shadow:none }
    .groupList .groupHub-groupInfo{ color:dodgerblue; font-size:16px }

  • Hi Steve, from what I can tell nothing has been changed by Ning, it could be something changed on your site for that custom list we did on the homepage which I think is the part you are talking about. If not let know which one it is, you can pop me the site address over again and I will have a look to see what may have changed.

    Bizz :-)


    • PS: I'd tell you when the change appeared to have occured, but I didn't have internet access for almost 2 months because some guy named "Ian" came and knocked down the Fiber drop to my house and my ISP vendor took that long to getting around to replacing it (and then it took another week of arguing with their incompetent tech support, and buying a router from them that I didn't need, before they finally admitted something was wrong at their end and they fixed the misconfigured port I was connected to at their central office).


    • Bizz,

      If you're still looking at this issue...I apparently fixed it by editing one line ".groupList .groupHub-groupInfo{ color:dodgerblue; font-size:16px }" (I changed the color from dodgerblue to green, and then back again). I'm thinking that when I clicked the "publish" button it fixed it. I'm not sure how the site could work if something had been changed and not published.

      • Hi Steve, hmm ok a little odd but not sure why that would have made the change. Let me know if it still is not working as you would like and I will get a look at it over the weekend, been a little busy this week so not had time to have a look properly as yet.

        • It has continued to work fine since I tried what I mentioned above.

          As I mentioned I didn't even have internet access for two months so I know I hadn't done anything to website that would have required re-publishing it to make custom css code work. The only thing I have done recently was change a html block on the home page for Pearl Harbor Day (but the issue had appeared well before that and making changes there obviously has nothing to do with this issue). As far as I know the page creator hadn't done anything recently.

  • NC for Hire

    Steve Ewing   

    here is the solution for you    div.groupHub-groupTitle{background-color:transparent!important;}

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