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many of you run some ads to help cover the high cost of  running a ning network.

well what if you could do more? not just run a few ads.. not even just sell a few  fully paid ads.. but instead what if you could run  your own full featured ad network and more?

last week i stumbled apon a tip that was lifechanging for me

i was simply trying to sped up my site and the ads were slowing me down so i set up an ad server


overnight i went from poverty to wealth (my heads still spinning)

i went from struggling to make about 6 k a year to 60k then to 80k and..rising daily! this was just 1 week so far its still going up

while trying to just speed my site up i stumbled (with a lil guidance from another nc)

into an advertising community ..that uses really powerful ad serving technology

the paid or..enterprise version is so feature rich that u can organize advertisers agencies publishes etc etc into a complex mega adverrtising corporatiin

but im using the free wayy  which includes te ability to run your own ad server..which i am i upgraded my vps server 4 levels for max performance and installed the ad server (extremely easy to instal)

not only did my sites  sped increase drasticly but  i made 10 times more that 1st day!

now heres what you can do with just the free version (using their servers, or your own (or mine)

(theires can be a lil slow tho)

say you sell a 728x90 ad space for 100,0000 imprssions  for x number of dollars

they want to target only people age 20-30 in a ceratain area

yiu set a campain targetting the people i[u want to reach with a high [riority

then another "remnant" campain to fill in the rest  alling to adsence ..but only if a price to beet price isnt met by open market

you can have 4 or 5 diferent advertisers  all competing for ads pace in 1 zone

yo can run test campains and switch them and optimize on the fly

swapping 1 for another based on which pays the most

most of this i havent done yet! u can chain campains together  have diferent campains run on the same zones  serving by priotity or price to beat

you can add plugins hat allow direct sales of ads so advertisers can buy batches of ..clicks  gvies or actions (conversions)

you can become  an advertising giant like google  adsence  if you had the ambition and brainpower to figure out how

with minumal effort  you can reatly increase your income

since posting that discussion earlier this week ive had a dozen ncs want me to help them set this up

ive had to actualy log into thier accounts and set it up fir them most of the times (its ok the nc that helped me had to login and "check my work" w) when i set mine up too..i did it almost right the1st try but sure was nice and hepful to have  second eye look it over


tomorow i wil help 1 more nc set it up and create a detai9led tutorial step by steap hy step

so come back to this discussion in a few hours and ill have detailed s]instructioins i[on doing the ful setup

for all you do it yourself just follow my guidelines in the other discussion

everyone else expect the lesson to begin around noonish tomorow

([p\promice fewer typos tomorow_0..its late ive been sleepleessly watching the money roll in)

note'; tip will be long and detailed including server setup  fr those wanting to run thier own servers)

----------begin tutorial---end typos----

Okay to start off, go to
click on the publishers tabs as seen here

Next click on the on-ramp link
the enterprise version you have to pay for on-ramp is free

On the on-ramp page, click get started now

Sign up, fill out whatever information they asked for. You may have to verify your email then login.

When she logged in click account then open-market.

Here you will need to make a second account to get paid. Once on open-market screen click sign up

After you sign up and sign in click payment information fill that out. Then click tax information and send in your tax info

Note: be sure to use the same email for both accounts!

Now you are ready to start running your first ads. However, first I want to note that does not matter where your first account resides. The one that you made on open X is linked to the open market by your email you can use their server, your own server, or any server. In fact, you can download the open X source and install it on your server. You can even install it on 100 servers to distribute the load. It is extremely flexible.

For this purpose I will show you how to do it on open X however, it will look exactly the same on any server. Step one. Click inventory than website and add your website.

Next you will add an advertiser for this we will be using AdSense. This will be of very first basic ad set up. So next click on advertisers, and at advertiser just name it AdSense

All you really need to do is just give it a name. You don't have to worry about the other options, unless you want to

Next you create zones campaigns and finally banners we are only going to do one of each for this, however, I recommend for best tracking and adjustments they make one's own one campaign one banner for each ad spot.

First, let's create a campaign. Click campaigns. Then add a campaign.But first, make sure the AdSense advertiser is selected
Now when you create your campaign with AdSense, you want to create a remnant campaign. A remnant campaign will first check with open-market to see if they can beat your price if they can't, then it goes to AdSense and AdSense is served. So how you set this up will depend on your traffic. First, choose remnant campaign, then set your expected CPM. You can guesstimate this by what your AdSense ads for that slot usually pays or for low traffic site send it around $.50 for medium traffic site set that around dollar or dollar 50 for very high traffic sites, try around close to the two dollars and you can adjust from there
The CPM will automatically set your minimum buy rate you can reset any time using the open market quick start, but you shouldn't lower it below the CPM

Now we will create a zone. Zones are like placeholders for your ads. Much like channels in AdSense. This is very simple click zones add zones. Then, simply select the size of the ad you're going to use

Note I skipped the screenshot of the add zone button because I think you can figure that out by now

Note: in the image full banner is selected. However, I chose leaderboard before I saved.

Next, we're going to create a banner, just like before click banners, then add banner. Here we select generic HTML banner paste in your AdSense code.

Give it a name and make sure you specify the size

Now we just link everything together. You may have noticed, when we create the zone the box next to it was red. Once the banner is linked to the zones it will be yellow.

First click campaigns. The campaign you using on the campaign information screen. Click link zones on the left side select the zone you want to link then click link to move it to the right side

Next link the zone to the banner

click zones

the zone u want to link  (unlinked zones  have red box) click linked banners (note i also marked invocation code wich will be used in the final step)

here you will have several drop downs 1 kink by parent campaign or link individual banners (recommend individual)

then select advertiser will bring up the next select campaign  then finally select banner  click the lil arrow and it links

now the final step.

click invocation code

here you select iframes (this is the big money maker)

use any options you want however these couple are highly recommended

open links in new tab/window (so they stay on your page yoir page still serves ads while they lok at other pages)

refresh 60 sec refresh

note disabling comments cute the code in 1/2

using cache buster u should then edit the code in the code y0u will find INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE 1-4 places depending on options u selected


choose options

click refresh code

ci]opy code

paste into notepad



click edit ..replace

paste it in top field

in bottom type a random string like 9876488539

hit replace all (be sure each ad has a diferent number )

now paste this in your site

end odf basic adsence remnant campain instructu[ions

next we will be adding 1 more

you can add 3 adsense remnant campains

you can also run contract and contract exclusive campains

now we wil set up an open market only campain

create a zone as hefore

this time before clicking create campain  select open market adviser as advertiser

you will have to set either an end date..or a daily limit

i set my daily limmit to


then grab the invocation code a above and  pasate in ads below the footer

now watch yoir earl]=nings

adjust the buy rate as neded

i was going to get inti installing your own server and more but i think i covered enough to get u started

open x might slow yoir site a lil if so u can set  up your own server or use mine (we'll have to talk)

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  • NC for Hire
    I've been running through the Openx site but can't find a list of companies that buy space in openx market. Are there a decent number of advertisers that would find a legal community beneficial to advertise on?
    • im sure ..they have millions of advertisers and do billions in advertising a day

  • that was 1 of the 1st things i thiught of;..i gotta help other ncs get started with this

    but as soon as i did i was literaly crazy swamped tryong to help them thats why i needed to do a tutoraial today cause i literaly didnt have time tto gobble down a slie of pizza in under a minute

    so going to do a detailed step by step instructions

    • NC for Hire

      i for one certainly appreciate your passion and thank you for sharing this with us

  • How about a live online video lesson?  Hell, I'd pay!

    • ill see what i can do..if it get s quieter in here later but might be easier to g=just d screnshots ill see

      • Or at least a chat.  I dont understand why they have chat disabled here on this site.

  • ok tutorials done

    srry took so long

    • where can we see them?

      • see what/ oh tutorials? added to this discussion original post..scroll up

This reply was deleted.

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