Soctt here is the code needed to change the wording for your forum classifieds and add the border around the posts. As you are using a forum we can't get the same look as my blog version as the images can be added at random, ie text first then images or a few images then text etc
First a bit off css for the border, this goes in your design studio custom css
.page-classifieds-for-surfers .discussionListPage-entry{
border: solid 1px lightgray;
border-radius: 4px;
padding:10px 20px;
Next we add the code to change the wording, this code goes in your Social Site Builder > Custom Code > End Of Page section
x$(document).ready(function() {
x$(' form#entry-form .entryEditPage-title').attr('title', 'Classifieds Title').attr('placeholder', 'Classifieds Title');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .content-header .content-name').text('Classifieds');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .content-actions a.button-iconic:nth-child(1)').attr('title', 'Add Classifieds');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .content-actions a.button-iconic:nth-child(1) i.icon-add').text('Add Classifeds');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .content-nav ul.subnav li > a:contains("All Discussions")').text('All Classifieds');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .discussionListPage .entry-emptyPageMessage').text("There aren't any Classifieds Posted Yet");
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .linkSelector > option:nth-child(2)').text('Newest Classifieds');
x$('.page-classifieds-for-surfers .discussionListPage .module-header h3.module-name').html(function() {
return x$(this).html().replace("All Discussions", "Classified Posts");
Let me know if you get stuck
Bizz :-)