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NC for Hire

Ok, so you would like to embed a cool bookshelf, but would rather not have to buy and then learn some expensive software to make your bookshelf.  This hack will allow you to embed an entire folder of PDFs/PPTs/eBooks into any page on your network.

Back in the day, used to provide widget codes for embedding "shelves" into a site.  After doing away with shelves and calling them 'stacks' they changed the URL structure.  However, the old code can be modified to adapt to 'stacks'.  Now if you have a public "Stack on Issuu in which you have uploaded documents to your account and placed them in a stack, you can have the Bookshelf version on your Ning site.  And yes, you could have a collaborative community shelf. and btw, Issuu Iframes are supported by Ning

Take this code for example:

<iframe src=";theme=theme3&amp;rows=3&amp;thumbSize=small&amp;roundedCorners=false&amp;showTitle=true&amp;showAuthor=true&amp;shadow=true&amp;effect3d=true" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="400"></iframe>

FOLDERID= URL for stack with the dashes added. 


That part on the end is what you need.  It is number of 36 chars that you get on address bar when you enter stacks (example: When you replacing that in code you must paste 36 chars in this format 8-4-4-4-12 with - between chars. And voila its working. You can change theme and other stuffs in code.


    8             4        4       4             12

you can even change the theme by changing 1 number

Feel free to fork my copy to make your own....

Why not make something cool?  You all have sharable documents on your computer.  Let me know what you come up with..

oh and then there is this from years ago..

Do More with Your Video Embed Option...and Smile.

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  • Oh wow.  Gonna have to wrap my head around but it's spectacular. 

  • Nice Tip J, thank you for sharing :)

  • NC for Hire

    Anyone Else try this?  I just used it again here:

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    If you are a recruiter looking for a land surveyor to hire, take a look at our growing resume pool.   If you are a land surveyor seeking employment,…
  • NC for Hire

    For those who would like the code on how to embed just one document, take a look here

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