I was removing a content element off my Home page and I must have hit the wrong delete button. I wound up deleting my entire home page.
Is there any way of retrieving it?
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No you can't, you just need to re-create it by creating a new blank page, mark it as the home page then add the modules back to it that you need.
How do I do that without needing to add a string after the .com/ ? It keeps telling me to add more to the url.
Wait - nevermind that. Once you check the box for any page as the "Home Page" it pulls up without any string after the .com/
Yes thats correct, you can make any page the homepage by checking that box with no need to add anything to the url
I don't see your N3 site, but found your N2 site at https://web.archive.org/web/20210122223658/https://community.surfou...
Did you happen to have your Home Page open in another tab or browser? Ctrl-u would show you the source for it. Maybe one of your members has it open on their computer? Just throwing things out there. 😀
Thank TJ! - I realized after slapping myself in the forehead that my older N2 site actually still exists. I just copied the html element blocks over to the newer N3 site; community.SurfOutlook.com
It literally only took me a few minutes to replace my front Home page. Anyone reading this I highly suggest having an editor page open in 2 separate tabs. That way, in case you screw up like I did you can go back to your tab that has your editor open that you didn't work with and click save. It will be right back the way it was and you can start over with your edits.
I'm glad it worked out for you; I love a happy ending! 😀
Good advice on editing anything on Ning or anywhere really. Multiple editor tabs FTW!! 😁