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I have a small network, and a good quiz that keeps spammers out on signup (fingers crossed!), so I do not need the spam folder, the existence of which I have only just discovered. Its contents go back to January 2017, and none of it is spam. Does anyone know how to disable it?  The lack of any notification that any posts have been put in it, and the hassle of checking it regularly, is a real pain. Ning support have not been able to help with this question.

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  • Sad to say. That's automatic. You can't control what gets put in it. What's your site about? I thought the purpose of the Spam folder back in the day was to place spam bot blogs in there.

    • It's just a small community site. Easy to keep an eye on posts (at least at the moment!). Great that they can disable it.


  • Hi there!

    I think I have found the way to disable the feature on your network that was flagging posts and adding them to the spam folder, please check whether the post is still getting flagged by checking the spam list from time to time.

    Best regards,

    Ning Team.

    • Thank you very much!  That's great.


      • Sorry to say another post has appeared in the Spam folder - so the latter hasn't been disabled. As usual, this post is not spam. It was brought to my attention by the member who had posted it.


        • Hi there!

          Well, that means that the script left by the previous team doesn't work anymore or have never been working :-(

          I'll try to find another way to disable spam flagging, but so far I have checked I guess 90% of documentation related to the spam filters and the script I used was only the one that could disable spam flagging.

          Best regards,

          Ning Team.

          • Ok, thank you!


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