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Just a creative Idea on solving some popular Paywall issues


Well, I instaled the Paywall about a week and a half ago. So far I've done a couple of changes but it's working.


Did a few changes to make it work for me


1. First, I really really didn't want to lose any existing members (1,800 so far) so I gave two options: a paid unlimited option for $29.95, and a free limited option for 6 months.

Didn't work! When you give a free option no matter how bad you make it sound, they'll go for it!

2. Then I reduced the 6 months to one month...same results! Everyone went for the free option! bla!!

3. So, since we get what we demand (law of attraction people!) I totally eliminated any free offers. So to say if you want to be here you have to pay and thats final! jajaja sounds a little hard, but bare in mind that my network is for business women. They promote their own businesses, publish their own groups and events, we have live chats every week on different toppics for business and personal growth and a whole bunch of other online and offline activities and bennefits and they love the site.


So, to deal with other issues now that there's no other option but to pay to get in I've gotten a little creative.

Some people can't or won't pay with Paypal for whatever reason but that shouldn't be something to come between you and your well earned money.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that NC's can publish and unpublish the paywall whenever they want right. So just an idea here that I'm planning on doing with my Network if anyone wants to join but for some reason can't pay with Paypal.


1. I'm giving them the option of paying any other way (check, cash, whatever) 

2. I set with them a date and time (exact) for them to login (I have to be online also).

3. I'll unpublish the Paywall just long enough to let them through and then publish it right back up.


That's if it's a new member. For existing members who also can't pay straight through the Paywall, they pay by any of these options and as soon as I have the payment I comp them.


Hope this this is useful to anyone out there.


Before I leave, heres a note to Ning I think should be looked at. When a NC publishes the Paywall with more than one option, the lower amount option is marked by default. That's an issue because people either think your suggesting that option or simply go right in without considering any other option.

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  • NC for Hire

    we desperately need the ability to delete a paywall

  • hi there, i am looking too at pay walls and charging members, my thing is that not everybody in france uses paypal and this thing is not very familiar to them, so im thinking too at other solution, maybe sms pay etc

    i wonder how this went on with your site (after payment mandatory), have you got paid or members leaving ?

  • NC for Hire

    created a workaround for creators who cannot delete a paywall or comps if anyone is interested send me a message.  its complicated hack but it works brilliantly

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