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NC for Hire

Ning 2.0 Archive Support

If you need any support with your Ning Archive please feel free to contact me. I am a Ning for Hire Ning Creator since 2008. I recently discovered a very simple way to translate the JSON files in a simple way so you can easily view pages as HTML even with JSON code. There are some options available online but sometimes a guided systematic approach is the best.

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  • Thats cool garfield, thanks for letting folks know. The dificulty in backing up our sites ourselves can be frustrating. 

    • NC for Hire

      You are welcome. The archiver does a good job of archiving the different parts of the site but from then on it's basically an alphabet soup of json code that is sometimes ill formatted. I have been doing a lot of work recently with these kinds of files and have figured out a systematic way to translate the output, so I thought I'd let anyone who might be interested know.

  • Hi

    My site was never archived officially, but I can't believe it isn't "in there" somewhere. It went away when my autopay failed due to a banking problem and I was unaware of the mishap. Please tell me that some amount of trouble ($) might rescue it. It was pretty inactive and I was pretty busy with other stuff, but the few active members had posted some really interesting and possibly historical stuff. Let me down gently if there is no hope. Thanks, Barbara

    • NC for Hire

      Hi Barbara,

      You are the cautionary tale most people will not take to heart. Every 2.0 Network should back up even if they don't plan on moving. There are changes going on behind the scenes that could impact Archiving functionality.

      I am not sure what you mean by "in there". If the site is not accessible then there is nothing to hook into unless there was some prior archive I am sorry to say.

      For those of you reading this please know there is no harm is backing up your network. You would not want to be in the position of having to regret doing this just in case a "situation" happens. It's best to do it and get it out of the way.

      Barbara, perhaps you can restart your network if you pay again? I am not sure how long ago this happened for you.

    • Hi Barbara,

      I'm sorry to say but the network that you have mention on your profile here on createators has been already removed completely from the servers as it was offline for more then a year. So this one is non restorable unfortunately. However if we are talking about other network please provide me with URL so I could check if it still possible to restore it.

      Best wishes,

      Ning Team.

  • hello, i can not log in on the Archiver?
    when i use the login data i use at ning on creators network?
    (invalid email or password?! Is not true)
    and click on 'contact us' dos not work?
    so please can someone help? how i log in ?

    or how else can i archive my  ning network?

    • Hello!

      In order to log into the Archiver you should use the email and password of the Network Creator. But in some cases, it is not possible to log in even with correct credentials. 

      Unfortunately, we no longer support this functionality, so we can offer you to either export the content manually or find another tool that is compatible with 2.0 platform. 

      Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences. 

      Best regards,

      The NING Team

      • oke, but the Archiver stil does work? Then maybe ning can make the export for me through the Archiver? (manually or another tool is not an option) 

        • Hello!

          I know that some people are still able to use an Archiver but we cannot access your account through Archiver to start the export as well. 

          We apologize a lot, but unfortunately, we cannot archive the content from your site. 

          You can try contacting Garfield on this matter, he may help you with this. 

          Best regards,

          The NING Team

  • I have another issue on my 2.0 that Tech support can't get around to helping me with.  Are you available for other NING 2.0 issues?

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