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Hi NCs,
Jen had told us earlier about GOOGLE ADS in header for Ning 2.0 here but not sure whether this tip is still working or not. Still some people have voiced concerns about how to add GOOGLE ADS in header on NING 3.0 platform too?
No worries, here we go.....
Follow the steps below:
Step One: Simply copy and paste the following CUSTOM CODE into notepad.
Step Two: Replace the highlighted GOOGLE ADS code.
Step Three: Copy and paste the entire code into CUSTOM CODE (End of Page Code)
Step Four: Adjust below highlighted blue color CSS code suit to your preferences. You are done.
Note :Contact me for ning re-designing services and other ning personal help @
Custom Code
<div id="BL_ads_within_contents" style="display:none;">
<p style="text-align:right;">
YOUR Google Ads CODE GOES HERE ( Make sure that GOOGLE ADS size is width 728px and height 90px)
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
x$(".header-logoImage").prepend('<div id="insidecontent"></div>');
var within_contentsCode = document.getElementById('BL_ads_within_contents');
var insidecontentCode = document.getElementById('insidecontent');
insidecontentCode.innerHTML = within_contentsCode.innerHTML;
#insidecontent {
float: right;
margin-left: 35px!important;
width: 0px;
Live Preview: Click here
Very nice Bernard. Will have to give this a try.
Thanks KOS and best wishes to you.
This is awesome but is there a way to have it use a smaller ad such as 468x60? Many thanks!
use a 468x60 code instead of leaderboardc code u could also use the new google responsive code
i see no reason why it shouldnt
but then again ui also see no reason whgt y this shiould work responsively as it only loads a leaderboard wich will not fit at all on tablet/mobile
i think this tip needs tweaking to make it responsive and serve diferent size ads for diferent screebn sizes and also resize the head to compensate
help, I need help, my profile page disappeared
Can anyone tell me if the ning 3 is possible to do a restore standard?
The profile page has disappeared ...
By clicking on the profile page appears it. This is true for all members
the panel my page, clicking does not appear anything, or is selected. Can anyone help me?
no there is no restore like a hosted solution like jamroom woukd have but if u call support they can eventrualy fix it
its just another day in ning land bugs bugs bugs
Ange you need to cut back on your meds.
wow. You know this is another human being you dish out the cheap quips to, right?
What I cannot figure out is how come you and Soaring eagle are still hanging around here? You obviously hate the place. And yet ye are permanently here slinging mud. Does Jamroom not have a suitably audacious and infinitely groovy social forum for creators where ye can shoot the breeze and make comments like that one all day?