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Ning 4. PageSpeed Insights Vs Ning 3

.The most important feature of Ning.4  in my opinion.




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  •  Speed is the reason I haven't moved to Ning 3 yet. Ning 2 is so much faster; not as fast as I'd like but definitely livable for me. 

    A couple weeks ago my account representative at Ning said that Ning 3 should be dramatically faster in the next two months. They're probably moving Ning 3 to the same spec server Ning 4 is on.



      One of the reasons why our projects decreased in the search ranking was the speed

      Today the developers already make webs in Amp environment. Speed is a key factor:

      to exist in internet.

      It's true Steve , Ning .2 is faster than Ning 3. How is that possible?


      I think that Ning 4   " speed " + the social features  that used to have Ning 2   might be a excellent product.

      Google: The Web is Faster Since Page Speed Became a Ranking Factor - Search Engine Journal
      Google says sites are faster and abandonment rates are down since making page speed a ranking factor last year.
  • Hello,

    We do appreciate your feedback and also the provided information.

    It will be reported to the management and Technical Team.

    Best regards,

    The Ning Team

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